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Before you can even answer, the pale guy opened the door wider then closed it and strode into your room making you froze on your spot, dumbfounded how the situation turned out.

"Hmm. Not bad, this room is decent enough" He said while placing his luggage beside yours.

With the closet still opened, he hummed in satisfaction "Great, we can share the closet. The bed is quite big too, dibs on the right side of the bed." He said then walked towards the bathroom.

"Jacuzzi? Perfect. Maybe we can go in there together too.." he said smirking while rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. It made you look at his hands, and dang those veiny hands made you feel something...

 It made you look at his hands, and dang those veiny hands made you feel something

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Then situation finally sunk in. You grabbed Yoongi's wrist forcefully without even talking and stomped your feet towards the door then opened it.

"Out" You said while looking at the floor. You didn't mean to be rude but you cannot be alone in this bedroom with him. Your mind is sending you red alerts! The room is far too romantic to be with someone who's not yours.

You were worried earlier but now that seeing him whole and unharmed, you can finally shove down the uneasiness you felt. But still, he can't stay in the room with you. Because, reasons! Like his veiny hands, his sculpted body, his perfect jawline, his cat eyes and his pink lips and..

What? Get a grip Y/N!

You slowly lifted your head and saw Yoongi smirking while staring at you making you close your eyes.

Shit. My thoughts. Ugh.

It made him grin even more then stepped closer, making it just inches away from you that you can even feel the warmth radiating off his body. He slowly bent down his head then whispered in your ears

"I can be yours if you wanted to, Princess"

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