0.2 + memories

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"Shawn you know why."

"No I don't, you just came and left like that. You never gave me an explanation, was there someone else?"

"No of course not, you know I'd never do that."

"Then What was it? What is it?"

"Your..... your always gone. I want to touch your face I want to hold your hand, but just like your fans I see you through a screen. Let that be a video, picture, or FaceTime. It got harder I loved you I still do, but being with you was more painful than being without you."

I had to fight the urge to hold him, kiss him, touch his arm, I just longed for his touch and now that he was in front of me in my house my feeling for wanting him was stronger .

"I can't wait for tonight's show! It's going to be so much fun!"

"Yeah, I wish I could see you up there. You'll do amazing."

"You'll be with me, every step of the way, remember that."

"Yeah, Love you shawn."

"Wait are you going?"

"Yeah I have to do some things. Bye"

"Bye sweet heart, I love you."

"That night when you were playing China and you had the Dare to Live show, all I could do was cry because I missed you Shawn. I hadn't seen you for 2 fucking months, we went from seeing each everyday to you being gone more than being home. I wasn't living, I was waiting for your calls your texts, at times it felt like we weren't even together and it was all a dream."

There was a long quite pause til I spoke up again.

"You know I went to go see your mom a couple times when I felt this way, and she comfort me. It was her I was seeing but because she was your mom I guess I felt close to you again when I'd see her. She never knew that I wanted to break up, I don't know if you've told her because your fans still think we're together too, but if she does I want her to know she didn't push me to do it, it was my decision."

"But why can't we can fix it (y/n) I'll do better!"

"You've said that before Shawn, how is this time different?"

"Because now I know more, come with me to places. I know you can't go to them all, but come with me. If that's what it takes I'm more than willing to bring you, hell it would amazing if you came. I could see you face to face after the shows, please just don't leave."

"That's the thing Shawn, I already have."

Shawn came over and engulfed me into a big hug as he cried. I started crying too but I was scared to get back with him because the pain next time would just be worse.

"Just tell me, in the future if we're both single and we cross paths do you think we could spark the flame again?"

"Shawn, don't give yourself, us false hope."

"It's not false if you say yes."

"I guess so."

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now