4.3 + makeup

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Warning: contains smut

"Just STOP! Shawn stop!" I scream as I walked
through the kitchen.

"I'm not looking for excuses I'm looking for an explanation but I'm not getting one!" I walked to the corner with our keys and grabbed the keys to my car. I shook them in my hand and slammed my other hand on the counter.

"I don't- this has happened before and you promised!" I tried gaining my breathe. "You promised."

I softly said as tears began to stream from my eyes. Shawn came walking towards me and tried grabbing my wrists but I pulled them away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He's eyes had shock in them and my eyes had fear, sadness, and disappointment in them.

"Let me explain," he said.
"Let me talk to you," he said.
"Let me fix this." He said.

"I'm done with this is just a pattern every time. It's the same old same old. I can't take it anymore!" I walked towards the door but Shawn grabbed my hand and pulled me back and I ran into his bare naked chest.

"I didn't kiss her! She pulled me into herself and if I tried to push away I would of hurt her badly, and you know how scared I am of hurting another girl again. After I hit you that one time on accident I've had terrible thoughts of hurting another girl and it frightens me to death. I'm scared to even touch you sometimes, I don't want to hurt you."

I had tears streaming from my eyes and curling at my chin touching my neck and making my face soaking wet. I dropped the keys and they landed on the wooden floor and hit my feet. Shawn held onto me and pulled me into his chest and my face went under his chin.

"I would never emotionally hurt you intentionally, never. Or physically. Your my everything."

I looked up to him and our eyes met I went on my tippy toes and inched my lips to his and they slowly met. Our lips moved together like the waves on the shore, like the sheets in a bed, like the honey on bread. Shawn's hands went to my hips and creeped up to my waist grabbing it tightly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and Shawn picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso and Shawn walked back towards the kitchen. We went towards the island and knocked over a cup with unused utensils. Shawn sat me on the counter and ripped my shirt off my body and kissed my collarbone. His hands wrapped around my back and pulled me close then unhooking my bra and tossing it to the other side of the room. I took Shawn's dress shirt off taking it out of his pants. Shawn kicked his shoes off and then brought his hands to my thighs and tightly grabbed them.

"I want you," I said through my lips on his.

"You have me," he said while picking me up and taking me to the room. I fell on the bed and he hovered over me and kissed my thighs, stomach and then leaving lazy kisses on my chest to my jawline. His hands felt like golden silk on my skin and his lips felt like heaven. He pulled at my underwear and I kicked it off once they met my feet. I pulled at his briefs and they came off. His hands went to my thighs and inched up to my hip dips and then in between my hips and stomach. His touch sent chills down my whole body.

Shawn pulled the covers over us and I felt his skin against mine moving and making a heat in the room. His thighs touching mine and his hands grabbing my wrists then grabbing my boobs.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you Shawn, touch me."

"I am, I'll never stop my love."


He brought his hands to my back as they arched from the intense feeling shawn gave me. I felt his member on my thigh and then it came closer to my entrance and our skin met. He was inside me and I felt safe and pleased.

"Your tight," he said with a low vibratie voice.

"Your amazing," I said while scratching his back. I brought my hands back to the sheets and tugged at them but then I felt Shawn place his face in my chest.

"Touch me," he said.

His forearms were next to my body for support and I felt his breathe on my skin. His hot steamy breathe. The room felt like it was on fire and Shawn and I were the only ones in the world.

"I- your- oh my gosh!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I heard the bed hit the wall a couple times when Shawn went harder.

"Baby, say my name."


"Louder," he demanded.

"Shawn! Baby!" I moaned.

I felt my high coming and a knot formed in my stomach and was about to release.

"I'm- oh- I-"

"For me baby, you can do it."

I let go and hit my high point and it felt like an explanation that happened in my body that had a repel effect on Shawn because I felt him twitch. He pulled out slowly and fell next to me pulling me into his chest.

"Your amazing baby," he said kissing my head.

"Your the best,"

My hand laid on his chest and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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