5.7 + just listen

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"You know, I try my best for us. To keep food on the table, to keep lights on at night, to keep bills from adding up. What's wrong? What have I done to make you feel this way? You're asking questions that make it seem like you're not grateful!" Shawn spat at me while I was in the bathroom and he was in the room getting undressed for bed.

"No just listen to me-" I tried saying with a calm voice but he was about to start again so my voice got louder.

"You don't ask me these things, like if I'd stay home as much as I could in the future. I already do that! I come home even if it's for just a day to speed time with you, do you not care about that?" He said as he closed his dresser.

"Shawn, shut up! Listen to me!" I said but he went on again. He walked into the bathroom and his closet to put his clothes in the hamper. I pulled the stick away so he didn't see it, even though I'm the heat of the moment he probably wouldn't have noticed.

"Don't I make you happy? Aren't you happy with me? What's happened to you?" He said walking past me to the room again. I grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face me.

"I'm pregnant!" I said and his angry face turned into a smile that made me smile.

"I was asking these things because I wanted to see how your perspective on life and home before you knew about our baby would change. But you had to start a fight. I'm happy with you, I'm on cloud nine with you. I didn't think I'd ever be so happy with someone, and then you came into my life and changed that. And now this baby's gonna change that too. I love you-"

"Oh my god, shut up and kiss me woman." He said as he pulled my face towards his and kissed me, his lips turned into a smile which made mine copy his actions.

"I love you," he said as he picked me up from my thighs and sat me on the counter as he stood in between my legs getting closer to my chest each second.

"How do you know?" He asked. I put my hand behind my back and picked up the stick and showed Shawn, he stared at it in awe. I put it down and he engulfed me in a tight hug that I didn't want to leave.

"We're gonna be parents? We're gonna be parents! There's gonna be a little Mendes running around, we created our baby. Because I love you, I love you I love you I love you!" He said throwing his head back and then bringing his chest closer to mine wrapping his arms around me.

He gasped and he pulled away with a huge smile.

"We have to tell my parents!" He said as he ran over to his phone and called his mom.

"Hey Mom! Okay I know it's kinda late but I need to tell you something but I want to in person, can we drop by real quick?" He said with a smile. His smile got even bigger as he ran over to me and hung up.

"Let's go!" He said as we ran into the living room to grab his keys.

"Babe, you might not want to go in just your briefs." I said laughing at him, he looked down and grabbed a hoodie of the couch and ran to get basketball shorts to throw on.

"Okay now lets go!" He said grabbing my arm and pulling me to the door all the way to his Jeep.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now