4.2 + confessions

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"Hey Canadian boy, what's up?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen and saw him leaning against the counter and drinking something from a red solo cup. I poured some juice and vodka in a cup and took a drink. Shawn turned to face me and we were next to each other.

"Hey (y/n) trying to find a friend at this thing, but I don't see one at all."

I brought my hand to my heart as if I was stabbed.

"Oh ouch, okay I see how it is. I thought my friend Shawn was here but I must be mistaken."

I brought my cup to my mouth and took a drink from it. Shawn brought his open hand to my waist and pulled me to his body.

"You know I'm joking," I took a drink from my cup.

"No I'm not sure anymore."

Shawn sat down his cup and held me trying to prey out my laugh and smile but I didn't budge until he started to tickle my waist, that's when I broke. Shawn let me go and walked off.

I went outside with friends and had a few to drink but got a headache from being outside. I walked into the house and went down the hallway, I tripped over someone's leg and fell to the floor using my hands as a break.

"Oh sorry," I said softly. I walked into the living room and fell on the empty couch and laid down. I felt someone pock my arm and then my leg. I kicked and threw my arm in the air.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked with my eyes still closed. I then felt someone pick me up and throw my waist over their shoulder.

"Who are you?" I asked softly.

"Canadian boy,"

He walked outside and the breeze of the night touched my face and legs. I heard a car door open and then I felt myself falling off his body and falling into the passenger seat. The door closed and the noise from the party was muffled and then Shawn's door opened and the noise got louder til he closed his door.

"I have a bad headache Canada," I said while grabbed my forehead as my elbow was leaning on the handle of the door. I heard something and then I bottle of pills were in Shawn's hand as he held it in front of my face.

"Here, I have some water too." He pulled a water out from his cup holder and gave that to me too. I took two ibuprofens and then gave him the pills back.

"Thanks Canada," I saw his head nod from the corner of my eye. He put his key in the ignition and start the car. My seat vibrated and Shawn drove off.

"Where are we going?" Shawn asked as he was at a red stop light.

"Mountain," I saw him smile as he drove through the green light.

"To the mountains then."

I turned the radio on and turned it down a tad bit because of my headache and Fleetwood Mac came on. Shawn and I always jammed to their music even when we were 14 year olds in his room. Shawn took a turn and went down a street with older buildings and then went into a dirt road that lead to the mountain.

"Have we been here in awhile? It seems like forever." Shawn said.

"It's probably been six months. I went to Chicago for three and then you had to go back to Canada for two. When do you go back to Canada again?"

"I go home in a week,"

I felt sadness come over my body and knowing Shawn for almost ten years means Shawn can tell all my emotions by a look at my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he pulled up to our spot that overlooked the whole city.


"No somethings wrong, what is it?" I opened my door and got out and sat on the hood on his Jeep. I saw Shawn in the corner of my eye as he came walking over and leaned on the hod of the car.

How do I even tell my best friend I've known since 6th grade that I love him? "Hey Shawn I love you and I think we could work." No. I can't ruin our friendship either though.

"Okay now your talking to yourself so somethings in your mind. Spill."

"There's this boy that I've known for a long time, we're best friends-"

"Ou I thought we were best friends, I see how it is."

"Haha, anyways I think I'm in love with him or I could be at least in time. I just don't know how to tell him or how he'd react."

Shawn nodded his head and then like a pigeon head bop.

"Practice on me, act like I'm the boy and say what you'd say to him."

"Okay," I said while nodding. I turned to him and faces him.

"Hi Shawn, I have to tell you something. I don't know how you'll react though."

"What's up bro?"

I gave a confused look. He made a tisk sound with his mouth and shook his head.

"Well I don't know the guy, he's probably friend zoned you a lot."

"Anyways, we've known each other a long time, right?" I asked.


"And we're best friends, right?"


"So I can tell you anything?"

"Of course,"

"I think I'm in love with you, or I could."

"There, see that wasn't so bad, you've got this in the bag." Shawn said while punching my arm softly. I nodded to the night sky and took a deep breathe.

"Yeah, I've got it in the bag."

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