4.4 + waking up beside you

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I rolled over and saw Shawn's peaceful face was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly and his snores were faint. He moved his body on his side and faces me this time, his hands were holding the blanket to his chin as he covered his shoulder with the blanket again.

"I love you," I whispered to myself without waking him up. He hummed to himself, he did that a lot in his sleep. He never actually hummed a song it was more of a random melody. Some of his songs are the melody of what he hummed while asleep, like Three Empty Words or Roses. They're really faint and more like a mumble of the melody.

I saw his lips part a little more and his eyes flutter open as he tried looking at me.

"Morning baby," he said with his raspy morning voice. His right hand let go of the blanket and placed his in my face as he put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Morning," I replied.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked as I scootered closer to him.


Anytime he'd look into my eyes it'd still get butterfly's in my stomach from nerves. It was always that way no matter what, in the morning, on a date, on our first date, on our wedding day and our wedding night. He always found a way to make me feel like I was talking to my crush for the first time.

"What about you?" He asked. My head was right by his shoulder resting there looking at his hands that I held.

"I slept okay this baby woke me up a couple times." I said while touching my exposed naked belly, Shawn's hands went over mine and then held them.

"Shawn Jr. is just preparing you for what's to come when he's out in the world." I laughed at his comment and playfully rolled my eyes.

"You are never going to let that go are you? It's not going to be Shawn Jr. it's to be an actual good name."

"Hey," he said while grabbing my face. "My parents named me so technically your insulting my parents."

"Oh I take that back I actually like your parents,"

"And not me?"

"No your just some guy that put they're sperm in me." I laughed while Shawn started tickling me.

"Okay," I took a breathe. "Okay, Okay, Okay Shawn."

Shawn stoped and held my back to his body and held my hands while I kissed his.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," he said. "Waking up to you was never something I thought I would be blessed to do."

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