3.6 + sound check

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I sat at a chair off to the side on the stands and listened while Shawn did sound check. I saw him as he was singing Perfectly Wrong on the stage and played on the piano so into his song. I sat there and imagined being just one of the fans again and not having my history with Shawn. I imagined the way I would get butterfly's talking about him to my mom when he didn't even know my name. When she would see my new screensaver of him on stage or on the beach. My dad teasing me about him and dancing to his music as he walked into my room.

He sat there and had his nose sitting on top of the microphone as he pushed down on the keys as the beautiful melody was making waves through the arena. I brought my knee to my chest and held it as I rocked to the music and my amazing boyfriends angel like voice. He was in his own world that I invaded so I could hear my favorite song off the album. He knows I cry every time I hear it so he hates playing it around me, he didn't know I snuck in to listen. I sat there and a tear went down my cheek and curled under my chin then touching my neck.

I stared singing along and I broke, hearing him say these things just make me feel some way. Imagine hearing your boyfriend say things you'd never thought you'd hear him say, even though it's not directed to you it still hurts in a way. I love him with all my heart and this song breaks it.

The line that gets to me every time is oh you know how much it hurts every time you say you hate me, but when we're making love you make it worth it. It just makes my eyes look like a waterfall. Before he played this song for me he reassured me that he was happy with me and he wouldn't trade our love for anything. He knows how scared I get of the thought of losing him he does too but I've lost so many that I couldn't go through the pain of losing him.

Geoff was off the side of the stage and saw me up in the stands of Shawn blind side and saw me crying to myself and I made eye contact with him and he gave a sympathetic smile and and mouthed he loves you. He got chords and was wrapping them around his hand and then sat them down going off to do more work; Zubbin was to the side playing the guitar and the background. I got my phone out and went to Twitter.

You guys better bring tissues tonight because you'll need them, and make sure you have a partner/friend to hold and cry with. If you need one I'm here, if you find me. I am one of you, I'm still a Shawn Stan! Your my family and I always got your back. I'm just in my feels and want to say I love you guys xx

The reply's came flooding back with love and people saying they'll try finding me. There were my friends I made from the fandom that said they love me and can't wait for their cities concert.

I got up from my seat and went walking down the steps and came to the floor and walked over to the stage to watch at front row and saw Shawn make eye contact with me as he shook his head and I knew what he was trying to say. He knew I'd sneak for the sound check of this specific song.

"I love you Shawn!"

"Te amo!"

I said along with his singing so he could get use to the fans again, after all he was gone from stage for a couple months now. My eyes were still watery and I could tell they were puffy. Shawn smiled at me and got off the piano as he came walking to me and jumped off the stage and pulled me into a hug.

"I've told you not to listen to sound check if that song." He said as he kissed he top of my head.

"I know but I live it too much baby, I can't help myself." I said then wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Okay now get back to sound check, I gotta go get stuff done." I said as I let him go.

I cry every time I hear this song, I've never been able to say I have a favorite song of my whole 16 years of living but now I can. And my parents actually do this stuff, my dad walks into my room and dances to Shawn's song. My mom will let me tell her stuff about him which I know annoys her sometimes so I stop myself hahha. I should be packing but instead I made this so if that doesn't say who I am I don't know what does. What's your favorite song from the album? I want to know.

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