0.3 + my girl

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"Here we have the famous Shawn Mendes with us guys. How are you buddy, I've heard a lots been going on with you lately."

"I'm great, yeah it's been pretty crazy lately."

"So you just dropped your single In My Blood And it's already in the top 5 charts, that's crazy!"

"Yeah I know, I can't believe it."

"And.... you've got a girl?"

The radio host was moving his eyebrows up in down as in a form in "you've hit the jackpot".

"Uh yeah"

I couldn't help but smile, thinking about (y/n) and how she's made me feel so happy calling her mine.

"Well what's her name?"

"(Y/n) she's the sweetest you'll ever meet, she's always trying to make me feel better if I'm not feeling great."

"How'd you two meet because my understanding is she wasn't in the public eye before."

"Yeah your right she's not, well you see I met her back in New York. She was friends with my sister Aaliyah and I went with Aaliyah to meet up with her. I've never met (y/n) before so I didn't know what to expect."

"Okay Shawn now don't act weird when we get there, you tend to do that, a lot."

"What Aaliyah I'm not that weird!"

"Yes you are."

"Your just saying that cause your my little sister."

We were both in an Uber making our way to the coffee shop we were meeting at, it was supposedly very secretive and no one really knew about it. We pulled up and Aaliyah and I both got out and walked in, it was empty except for the guy at the cash register and the girl in the back of the kitchen, there was a girl at a table with her back to the door reading a book in her own little world. Aaliyah called out her name and the girl turned her head and there she was. She was breathe taking, the way her hair fell in front of her face when she'd try tucking it behind her ear, when she would smile you couldn't help but imitate her actions.

"Hey liyah!"

They both had the hugest smiles on their face. Aaliyah went walking over to her and hugged her they both hugged for a but til (y/n) pulled back and asked if she wanted anything.

"Yeah I'll be right back I'm going to get myself a drink and Shawn a muffin or else he won't shut up about how he wants one."

"Haha okay liy I'll be right here."

"Hi im Shawn, what's your name? Liyah didn't tell me."

"Oh hi Shawn I'm (y/n). It's nice to meet you."

She had a smile the whole time she talked, I don't think I saw her once without a grin.

"So What is she like? What intrigues you so much?"

"Well she's different, she doesn't care what she looks like all the time, even though she looks amazing all the time. She has her own world and just focuses on everything she's grateful for. She gets what she wants too, and not materialistic things more like memories and places. If she wants to go to the beach at 1 am she gets up grabs her camera and book and goes, she won't tell me sometimes and I have to chase after her so I can go with."

I watched as she took her camera around her neck and took a picture of the sore with her flash on so it captured the details of the wave. The hairs that framed her face flew in front of her face as she tried tucking it behind her ear, that never worked to well because she had thick hair so it was everywhere.

(Y/n) says this quote this one photographer says "When I say I want to photograph someone, what it really means is that I'd like to know them. Anyone I know I photograph." her names Annie Leibovitz. (Y/n) says the same with nature "I photograph it because I want to know it, I want to know and appreciate the beauty it gives us that people take for granted."

Sometimes when we're in bed at its 10 in the morning I grab her camera and take pictures of her, she tries helping me and teaching me the correct way of using it but all I want is to capture the way she looks in that moment.

She then sat down on the sand and I was next to her, she laid her head on my shoulder.

"Shawn, never leave me."


"You promise?"

"I promise."

"So she's obviously important to you."

"More than important she's almost become a requirement for me to be happy and live, and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Well she's very lucky to have you."

"I'm lucky have her."

"Your both lucky."

That's when my phone went off and I got a text from her.

Okay, game plan. My apartment tonight, pizza, monopoly, and movies oh and cuddles!

I texted back with a smile on my face because of how cute she was.

Sounds perfect, I'm in.

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