5.5 + dance

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"Oh my gosh Shawn, you cannot dance to save your life!" I said while laughing as I was cooking and he started dancing to the music. The sun was setting and lighting up the sky with the colors pink, purple, orange, and yellow.

"Hey! I know," he said as we went to sit at the counter. He took his phone out and changed the song. I put the wooden spoon down and turned down the stove, I walked over to him grabbed his phone and put a different song on.

"What are you-" I put his phone down and grabbed his hand.

"I'm gonna dance with my boyfriend." I said putting my arms around his shoulders and his hands went to my hips.

"Just move with the music, like your in the ocean and the waves are moving you." I said looking down at his feet and saw him getting the hang of it.

"There you go," I said with a big smile looking back up at him, he leaned down and peaked me in the lips.

"I love you," he said as we danced to the music.

"I love you too Shawn," I stood on my toes and kissed him longer. I pulled back and laid my head on Shawn's chest.

"Okay, you doing good. Now try and spin me, slow." I said. Shawn let go of my hips and grabbed my hand and twirled me slowly and smoothly. He pulled me back into his chest and his hands went to my face holding my cheeks and bending down to kiss me.

I looked into his eyes and I saw my future, I knew then and there I wanted this man forever. His eyes made me happy, how can someone's eyes make one happy? I don't know but he did it.

"I love your eyes," I said looking deep into them.

"Yours are way prettier," he said grabbing my hair and placing it behind my ear.

"Impossible," Shawn picked me up by my thighs and sat me down on the counter, his hands still on my thighs staying there as his thumbs made circular motions on them. He pulled my body closer to his and our chests were touching.

"Your the only woman I want to dance with, forever." He whispered into my ear and then kissed my neck. His forehead came and touched mine as our noses then touched too.

"Don't burn the chicken," he whispered while smiling. I pushed him to the side and walked over to the stove. He started laughing and I turned around and gave him the finger. He had a fake shocked look on his face.

"Oh no, did I hurt your feelings?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes," he said walking over and picked me up turning the stove off and throw me over his shoulder walking to the couch. He threw my down on the couch but softly, he hovered over me and started tickling me and kissing my neck.

"Your so cute," he said against my skin making me squirm.

"That tickles," I said more like whining.

"Oh really, then maybe I should keeping whispering onto your skin." I pushed him and laughed.


I rolled onto the floor and Shawn fell onto the couch.

"I'm hungry, and I want chicken." I said getting up walking back over to the stove and turning it on again.

"Fine, party pooper." He said walking back to the counter and going to his phone.

I used a nickelback song, and I know a lot of people don't like them which I don't understand. I love their music, I went and saw them live a couple months ago and it was so fun. Anyways I hope you liked the song and this imagine. Love you!! Byeeeeeeeeeee

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