6.3 + high school

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Hate. Hate is a strong word yet I'm going to use it this once. Parties. Parties and the word hate, well they go hand in hand. I hate, listen hate parties. The only good thing about them is people leave me in charge of the music, but sometimes I want to listen to Adele or Sam Smith, when in reality I should listen to Led Zeppelin and Miley Cyrus in order for the party to not be a bust. But of course, I come to this one because I have nothing better to do. If I wasn't here I'd be at home in bed watching That 70s show.

"Hey (y/n)!" Lair says walking up to me and holding my shoulder and bringing me into a hug.

"Hey laur!" I said hugging back. Cassie walks up to me giving me a red solo cup with some liquid in it.

"Thanks." She nodded her head and smiled.

"Hey, is Shawn here?" Laur asked as she looked around the room not making eye contact with me.

"Why would I know?" I asked a bit annoyed.

"Well you guys are best friends, so I just assumed maybe you came together." She said still looking around.

I try to be nice to her but man she gets on my nerves, the only we ever talk about is Shawn. Is Shawn interested in anyone? Does Shawn have a date? Does Shawn talk about me? Is Shawn here? Where's Shawn? Have you talked to Shawn? How's Shawn? That's it, the only words that come out of that mouth into my ears spastically for me.

"No, Shawn actually came without me. Shocker, right?" I said sarcastically. She just nodded and said "mh hm," and walked off not paying attention to my comment. Cassie grabbed my arm and pulled me with her.

"At least you try." She said.

"What being nice to her? It's hard."

We walked down into the basement with more people and I spot Laurs dream man on the couch. We walk over to the group of guys there.

"Hey boobs!" I said as I messed with Shawn's hair and Matthews hat. Shawn pushes my arm away and Matthew threw me over his shoulder spinning around.

"I'm gonna sick boob!" I said with my hair touching the floor and not being able to see. Matthew threw me on the couch next to Shawn and my head by his thighs, my feet by his head.

"Hey (y/n)," Shawn said as he lightly nudged my head with his thigh.

"Hey your girlfriends looking for you." I said still laying upside down.

"Ha, I don't have a girlfriend. She's not my girlfriend." He said holding his red solo cup and then taking a drink.

"You sure she knows that?" I said then getting up right.

"Soon hopefully." He said laughing.

I sat next to Shawn the whole night as we all talked and laughed at Brian for getting rejected five times.

"No, best friends always end up together. It's a scientific fact! Louise and Jack ended up together and they were best friends since the third grade. Jake and Ariana, best friends since kindergarten and he gave her a promise ring." Breana said sitting on the floor leaning against the couch.

"Next it's Shawn and (y/n), I'd bet money on that!" Brian said sitting on the floor legs out and a cup Next to his leg.

"Me too!" Matthew said.

"Totally!" Others said.

Shawn and I just looked at each other and the air was a bit weird between us.

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