1.4 + cheater

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"Shawn you CHEATER! I obviously won that round fair and square!"

"Not from my point of view, you didn't."

"Okay that's how it is?"


"And your fine with it?"

"Mh hm."

"Well then I guess I'll go ahead and tell your fans how we actually met."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh I dare." (Y/n) went over to where her phone was on the kitchen counter and picked it up going to Twitter. She read out as she typed.

"To all of Shawn's lovely fans. The story of us meeting has never told to the public." She had a smirk on her face and looked up at me.

"Some if you think he's a innocent, sweet, kind gentleman. Your partly right but partly wrong." I slowly started to sand up from the couch looking at her.

"You see I, (y/n), had a mutual friend with Shawn. This was way back at his 19th birthday party, many of you have seen pictures of. I was new to town so our mutual friend,l asked if I could come. Shawn obviously said yes. Would you like to know how we actually started talking?"

I got up and went walking towards her, I looked her smirk and shock my head smiling.

"They'll all think I'm a douche."

"And that's a problem why?"

"Come on seriously (y/n)!"

"I'll press tweet right now."

"You didn't even finish telling them how."

"I will. This is just a well..... glimpse."

"I still say I won."

She went back to her phone and typed out the rest of the story.

"Shawn took my phone from me put his number in, but the best part is, he put his name as date tomorrow at 8. And that was his way of asking me out well telling me we were going out."

She pressed tweet and and sent it out to the world.

"You know it makes you look a little douche baggy but also like a bit of a romantic, your fans will say stuff like "he knows how to take control" "awww" and others will say "I didn't know Shawn was a douche"."

I walked over to (y/n) and placed her over my shoulder, she wanted down. I went to the bed and threw her down tickling her.

"That's why the story of us meeting came out."

The interviewers started laughing. "That's better than what I thought. So we know that story because you cheated at a board game?"

"Hey I didn't cheat, I won't fairly. But yes that's why you know."

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