2.3 + forrest gump

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Shawn held me hand and I laid on the bed with tubes attached to my arms and I could barely speak for myself. I could feel Shawn touching my marriage ring as he held my hand. I heard his sniffles and I wished I could stop it, I wished I could stop my pain to stop Shawn's pain.

"Don't leave me, don't make my life feel like the ending of Forrest Gump. How am I going to raise Elle all by myself, she needs her mother to teach her about womanly stuff. I want her to have a roll model so she knows what to do when she's a mother. Don't leave us, don't leave your family."

I couldn't say anything so I just squeezed his hand two times. I looked him in the eyes and tried so hard not to cry I wanted Shawn to know if fight as long and as hard as I could. Shawn put his head on my stomach and I felt his body shake, I don't know if it was because he was crying or because he was nervous. With all my strength I picked my hand up and put it on his hair and pulled my fingers through it. Shawn looked up and took my hand off.

"Don't you need to rest, baby. I love you, I'm going to stay right here, okay?" I squeezed his hand again.


"But daddy, I want to see mommy." I could hear Elle outside of the room and hearing her voice made me feel some type of way, I felt like I could do this I could fight this. I could only imagine Elle pulling at Shawn's hand because she did that when she wanted something.

"Hunny I know you want to see mommy, but I don't think it's a good idea right now. Mommy's really sick and she needs to rest, okay?" I felt a tear go down my cheek. I can't let my baby girl grow up without her mommy. I saw them through the window of the door and Elle was in Shawn's arms and looked like she was crying. I saw Shawn hand Elle to his mom and came walking in again. He sat next to me on a chair but I wanted him next to me on the bed. I put my hand on his arm and tapped the side of the bed. He moved me to the side and got in bed with me. I laid there with him til I could get the help I need but for now all I needed was Shawn.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now