6.6 + mornings

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I woke up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen as I laid in the warm but empty bed. I sat up holding the blanket close to my chest and searched around the room for Shawn until I didn't see him here. I got up wrapping a blanket around my body and walked down the hallway, I looked around the corner and saw Shawn in the kitchen with gray sweats and a naked chest. He was flipping french toast as i walked up behind him and laid my head on his back as I felt his muscles move.

"Morning," he said in his raspy morning voice, I kissed his back and smiled.

"French toast?" I asked as I looked over his shoulder standing on my toes.

"Mh hm," he said smiling down at me as I slid to his side and he kissed my forehead.

"Can I help?" I asked kissing his shoulder and smiling. He shook his head while smiling.

"No, I'm almost done anyways and I wanted to make them for you." He said with a loving voice.

"By the way, I like your blanket." he said nodding his head to the blanket wrapped around me. I giggled as I left and walked over to the counter. He walked to the fridge and grabbed the raspberry's and syrup placing them on the counter. He grabbed the plates and started getting them set.

"Did you sleep good?" Shawn asked, I nodded my head.

"Mh hm, I really like your bed." I said as he blanket fell down.

"Opp, nip slip." Shawn said with a smirk. I giggled as I picked it back up covering myself.

"My bed likes you too." Shawn said looking up at me as he was putting the raspberry's on the plates.

"It smells good babe." I said smiling at him as he put his plate by his seat and held my plate in his hands.

"Okay, close your eyes." he said smiling. I giggled with a confused look.

"Why?" I asked with a smile.

"Ughh, just do it (y/n)." he said holding my plate.

"Okay," I said with my eyes closed. I heard him place the plate in front of me as I could feel him beside me.

"Okay, open them." He said.

"I don't know what you're doing but-" I looked down and saw the raspberry's placed down to spell out the words 'marry me?' and looked beside me to see Shawn kneeling down holding the box with a pretty and simple ring inside it. Shawn has a smile plastered on his face while biting his lip.

"Well?" he said bringing his hand up to my thigh and rubbing it. I felt a tear streaming down my face and dripping into the blanket that has now fallen down due to my hands covering my open mouth. My mouth curving into a smile while my eyes kept watering up and I had to keep blinking to see clearly.
I nodded my head and started to nod even faster.

"Yes, yes a thousand times yes!" I said as we both met in the middle and kissed each other passionately. His thumb went to my cheek and wiped away the tears and held my hand getting the ring and sliding it on my finger. I looked down at the ring and at Shawn and then the ring and Shawn again.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too." Shawn said looking down at me in my eyes. His hands snaked around my back then to my butt, his hands touching the fabric of my underwear and picked me up holding my body to his. My forehead touching his and our noses hovering over each other.

"I luh you," I whispered to him.

"I luh you," he whispered back to me. Shawn started walking to the bedroom.

"Wait, the french toast!" I said as he started walking faster.

"Don't worry, we'll be fast." he said kissing down my neck. I laughed at him as my head went back. He walked to the door and then laid my down on the bed softly and kissed down my body.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now