0.8 + japan

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My phone started to ring while I was in my hotel bathroom, I walked to the bed where it was and saw the caller ID.


"Hey (y/n)?"


"Uh hey what are you doing tonight?"

"I'm not in town, I'm in Japan."

"Well I'm close to Japan actually. We should do something."

"Your going to come to Japan when your not in Japan to hang out with me? Why?"

"Because I want to, seriously let's do something."

I laughed at Shawn and he kept persuading me to do so.

"Fine, but your coming to me."

"Exactly, great I'll pick you up!"

I gave him the address of the hotel I was at and he was here within about an hour and half. I heard a knock at the door, I forgot that I was in my bra and underwear.

"One sec!"

I threw a long t-shirt on and went to the door, Shawn came walking in and had a smirk on his face while looking at me up and down. He took his shoes off.

"Are you Okay Shawn?"

"No, actually."

He walked closer to me and kissed me up against the wall I was still holding the door open until Shawn closed it with his foot. Shawn's hands traveled to my waist.

"Is this your idea of hanging out?"

"Well I mean it's fun."

He grabbed me by my thighs and I rapped them around his torso, he walked towards the bed still holding onto me. Instead of the bed we made our way to a dresser and he placed me on top of it and kept in the same place between my legs. We brought his lips to my jawline and kept them there for a good minute.

"Was this your plan all along?"


We went to the bed and I was on my knees on the mattress till Shawn grabbed my legs and I fell to the bed while he started kissing me again.

"Is this all we're doing?"

"Oh shut up and just keep kissing me!"

Shawn's control was attractive and made me want him more. We made our way back and my head landed on the pillow, Shawn's hand went to my thigh and he held it. Sooner his hand creeped up and his hand went under my shirt to touch the skin of my hip.

"You traveled 2 hours to see me?"

He didn't say anything he just shook his head and proceeded to kiss my neck. He grabbed the hem of my shirt, took it off me and threw it behind him. He took his shirt off then his pants. Shawn looked at me and kissed my lips and kept creeping his lips to my neck.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"I-I me?"

He kept kissing me and then he grabbed the hem of my underwear and pulled them down, he unhooked my bra and I pulled his briefs off.

This imagine is very cringy but I'm too lazy to delete it

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