1.1 + my lobster

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I walked into Brandon's apartment and saw Nate, Josh, and Ryan. Ryan's girlfriend, Brisa, who is also (y/n) friend.

"Hey guys," I closed the door and sat down by the table. "Where's (y/n)?"

Brisa turned around and had a smile.

"Oh she's out with some guy," she turned to Ryan. "What's his name? Oh Chip."

"Oh." I replied sounding unhappy.

"Don't worry Shawn, she's your lobster." Josh said.

"Sorry what? Ryan asked.

I got a bit sad knowing she's out with some other guy and not with me. I've liked her for a long time and she knows but she says I messed it up. The door opened and in came (y/n) she put her purse down and took her jacket off.

"How was the date?" Brisa asked. (Y/n) turned around with a half smile and then saw me and it faded away slightly.

"Oh it was fine." She kept her eyes on me while saying so and spoke a bit slowly. She walked towards to kitchen in her heels to get a beer out of the fridge. Nate got off the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"Do you guys remember that one time when Shawn left a date because (y/n) broke her arm and needed someone to bring her to the hospital." Nate then realized what he said and his jaw dropped.

"You what?" (Y/n) said while putting her beer bottle down and walking towards me.

"Oh nothing, Nate doesn't know what he's talking about."

"You, you left a date?" She asked getting closer each second. She held my face and brought my lips to hers a kissed me. I was shocked and fell into the kiss.

Friends is my favorite show and I'm watching it right now and thought of this episode and made an imagine out of it. Believe it or not I've watched this show 3 times and now my 4th, I make so many Friends references it's become a sickness. I make at least like 5 A DAY.

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