1.7 + leave

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"Why don't you just talk to me? Tell me when your not feeling like I'm giving my all, because talking is what makes a relationship work. If you don't talk to me we can't work." Shawn shouted as we walked in the front door.

He went to the kitchen while I stayed by the entry. The moonlight shined through the window and made the whole room light up at the slightest. Shawn took his tie off and threw it on the floor. My silk nude dress went to my feet and I held onto the sides of it out of nervousness. I dropped my purse on the floor.

"I try talking to you but your either too tired or busy. Don't you think I want to talk to my boyfriend it's not like I want to cut you out."

"Well that's what it feels like your doing."

"How can you say that when I'm saying I'm trying but you never want to talk." I asked.

"(Y/n) listen,"

"No you listen! This is fifty fifty, if you don't talk to me and when I want to talk to you you say not now how am I suppose to fix it when the other connection isn't working. How is a controller suppose to turn a tv on if the tv isn't plugged in? I feel like the only person in this relationship, I can't even talk to my own boyfriend."

I picked up the keys off the little table and walked to the front door.

"What are you doing?" Shawn asked as I opened the door.

"I'm going to think and try to figure out why my boyfriend is being a dick. Why don't you figure out why your girlfriend feels this way?" I slammed the door and went to the drivers seat of the car. I started it and drove until I found somewhere to stop.


I parked in front of a convenient store and laid my head on the steering wheel. I took a deep breathe and wiped away the small tear that escaped my eye. I opened the door and walked in. The entry bell went off and an older lady welcomed me.

"Hi there darling, you sure look beautiful. I'll be here if you buy anything." She gave a comforting smile as I walked past.

I went to the chip isle and grabbed a box of goldfish and then a bag of Oreos. I went to the counter and put them done, the lady scanned them.

"Your sure done up, what's the occasion?" She smiled. Putting the stuff in the bag. I handed her my card.

"A party like thing with my boyfriend."

She looked up and me and must of seen my messed up make up. She handed me my card and held my hand.

"Whatever it is I'm sure you two will pull through. You seem in love, and that man seems like a very lucky guy. He'll have to realize he's being stupid if it's on his part and see what a treasure he has."

"Thank you."

I took the bag and went back to the car and sat there eating my snacks. My phone went off and it showed Shawn's contact. I stared at it and debated if I wanted to answer but then it stopped. A minute later I got a voicemail from him. I listened to it.

"(Y/n) please come back, I'm sorry. I understand that I'm not listening and I'm pushing you away when you want to talk. I'm worried about you I'm scared something will happen to you. Please come home, I love you."

I stared at the stores lighten up name and thought about what to do. I got the keys and started the car driving back home. I sat in the driveway for a good 10 minutes and ate Oreos thinking of what I'd say walking through the front door. I got out and unlocked the door putting my stuff on the table. I took my heels off and saw Shawn at the kitchen counter looking out the window.

"I'm sorry," he said as he stayed still. I walked slowly towards the counter on the opposite side.

"I'm sorry I was a dick, I mean you didn't have to run out but I understand you needed space for a minute." I went to the side of him and looked at the moon.

"I know I'm not putting in as much effort as you and I'll work on it, I promise." He turned his head looking at me and took my hand in his. I looked at him and our foreheads touched.

"I love you and I can't lose you."

"I love you too." I said back.

He kissed my nose and then my lips. "I can't lose those lips of yours. I can't lose you, I'd miss playing with your hair, scratching your back, tickling your stomach, touching your thighs. I can't lose that stuff, but mainly I can't lose you." He pulled me in and he was in front of me. He picked me up and sat my on the counter. He went between my legs and put my hair behind my ears.

"I can't lose you, you hear me?"

"I hear you," I put my head on his chest. " I can't lose you either."

Shawn kissed my neck and laid his head on my shoulder, putting his face in the crock on my neck.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now