5.0 + art

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I sat on our bed and had the music loud as I put the pencil on the paper and brought life to the page. I sat cross legged and had the sketchbook on my lap. I was drawing him actually, he didn't know and I didn't know he'd be coming home today. My music and drawing kept my interest that I didn't notice the noise he was making down the hall.

The door crept open more and he walked on the carpet over to the bed and then I felt the bed sink in more and his arms made their way around my waist and made me jump a little from being scared. His lips went to my neck and gave me small wet kisses. My hand went to his head and played with his hair a little.

"You didn't say you were coming home today." I said.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?" He asked.

"Well I think the little scare can speak for its self. I'm happy your home." I replied happy.

"Is that suppose to be me?" He asked as he pointed to the paper. I nodded slightly and put the pencil down. Shawn took the sketchbook and put it on the nightstand he then got on top of me and started tickling me and then kissed me. His forehead touched mine and our noses touched.

"I missed you," I looked into his eyes. "Like crazy."

"I missed you too." I replied. I kissed him. He got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Come on," he said out of no where.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Get your shoes."

I didn't ask again because he'll never tell me.

"I'm in my gray sweets and a tank, just a tank top. I can't go out like this."

"Yes you can don't worry, no photos will be taken for the public." He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I saw that eye roll missy." He said. Shawn go the keys to his Jeep and we walked down to the parking lot. Shawn opened the door for me and I got in, I put my hair up in a ponytail using the hair and on my wrist that I always have. Shawn always says I have it on during sex and he doesn't understand how it can not be bugged by it. Shawn got in and saw me put my hair up and laughed.

"Sex hair tie?"

I slapped his arm and laughed.

"Just drive."

"Okie dokie."

We went down an unfamiliar road and then came to a dirt road.

"You know where your going, right?"

"Yes (y/n), I know."

"And your not going to kill me?" I asked.

"I'm not going to be that prisoner that killed his wife. I'd be the prisoner for being to nice."

"Really? We're going to be that cheesy today?"

"Yup," he said in his stage 'yup' that everyone cries over, including me. And he knows that, that's why he does it "off stage" too.

We came to a blanket on the ground and candles with food and pillows. Shawn parked the Jeep fairly close by and he looked over to me and I stared at the set up with watery eyes. My hand grabbed his and held it tight.

"We are gonna be that cheesy today!" I said.

I almost opened my door but Shawn stopped me and got out and ran over to my door to open it for me. He held his hand out to help me down from the seat.

"Thank you, you dork." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I'm a dork?" He asked shocked.

"Yes, you know this already. And you ran to open my door, it was cute and dorky."

Shawn and I both walked over to the blanket and I could smell the food. I love food oh my god. I can't wait. We both sat down and I grabbed a pillow to hold onto. Shawn opened the basket and pulled out sandwiches and fruit with drinks and desert.

"Oh my god! Chocolate covered strawberries! You know me so well."

Shawn just laughed at me and kissed me.

"Yes I know you pretty well."

"Okay tell me about tour while we eat." I said excited.

"I'd be happy to."


It was dark and the candles really came in handy now. Shawn and I were eating the strawberries and looking at the stars.

"I'm so happy I live somewhere where I can see stars now." I could feel Shawn looking at me. We laid our heads on the pillows.

"I'm happy I live with you now."

"Your lucky you did this because your being totally cheesy today but it fits the setting and vibe right now."

"That's why I did this, you never let me be cheesy. I kinda hate it." He said in a pouty voice.

"I love you pigeon." I said.

"I love you too hun."

"Not gonna end it with xx? Awe." Shawn laughed at me and kissed me.

"Give me another strawberry please."

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now