5.6 + party

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I totally forgot, I didn't mean to but I did. I forgot about the party they were having and I'm at work. If I want to go I have to go right after work, I can't go home and change. At least I'm not wearing a uniform though. My job doesn't require one, I'm just wearing jeans with a green T-shirt. Shawn's text made my phone vibrate and flash.

"Hey (y/n) your butts flashing," Bri said walking past me. I pulled my phone out while I was by the dressing rooms and looked at the text. Someone came walking by and I opened a room for them.

"Thank you,"

"Of course hun," I said walking away and reading Shawn's text.

Your still coming tonight though, right?

I looked at the time on my phone and contemplated wither I go or not. Bri came walking by and asked what was wrong while grabbing clothes off the rack to put back in its proper spot.

"If I should go to my boyfriends parents party." Her face went like a person how just found out someone broke an arm.

"Have you met them before?" I nodded.

"But only twice, they're really nice but what if it's awkward?" I asked as I saw the bobble pop up on my screen saying he's typing.

"Did they invite you or did Shawn?" She asked while placing the clothes over her arm and then standing next to me.

"I'm not sure,"

"Well if they did, you have to go or else it's kinda rude. If he invited you I wouldn't go. But that's me." She said walking away. I touched the screen for the keyboard and started typing.

Who exactly invited me? You or them.

The bobble showed again and it was quick.

They did.

I read that and knew I had to go, I was kind of dreading it. It's not just his family now, it's friends and other relatives. Cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas, and close friends. It's nerve wracking, Shawn's met my whole family but now I'm on the newbie. I'm the one known as "Shawn's girl" the one stealing Shawn from his mum. I don't want to be that girl to them, it's scary.

I'll come over after work.

Yayy! When do you get off?

In ten minutes


I went to the cash register and finished my ten minutes, I checked out and made my way to my car. I texted Shawn asking for the address and put it in my maps driving to their place.

I pulled up and drove down a ways to park somewhere and walk up to the house. There was a little girl and two women outside talking as the little girl rode on a small plastic bicycle. They smiled at me and asked who I was.

"Oh I'm.... I'm Shawn's g-girlfriend." I said nervous. She both smiled even wider and shock my hand.

"It's nice to meet you-" the one in a long casual red dress said.

"(Y/n) my name's (y/n)," I said with a smile.

"It's nice to meet you (y/n), I'm Lisa. Shawn's aunt."

"I Lisa, it's nice to meet you too."

"We'll see you back in there, I'm sure you want to just hug Shawn and stay by his side."

I laughed and nodded then walked up to the front door. They told me to just walk in so I opened the door kinda hesitant and then heard the music and talking. I walked through the hallway to the kitchen in hopes of finding Shawn there but I didn't see him.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now