1.6 + future

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"Do you want help with the groceries babe?" He asked as I put the last bag on the table.

"No thanks, there's only a few and I'll be done quick."

I didn't want him to see that box in the bag; I didn't see where the box went so I had no idea which bag it was in and I didn't want to risk Shawn seeing it yet.

I put all the food away and hid the box in my jacket walking to the bathroom. Shawn was in the living room watching tv. I locked the door and looked in the mirror at myself. I took three deep breathes and closed my eyes and just relaxed all though the feeling of wondering if that stick will tell me my future made me feel numb but also scared, excited, anxious, nervous, any emotion you can think of I felt.

What if it's positive? Will Shawn want it? Will we be able to do it?

I looked down at my left hand and saw no ring which made me even more scared.

What will people think? What will his parents say? My parents? The press?

I ripped open the box and a test fell to the floor staring right up at me, mocking me. How can this little stick determine my future, it's so fragile and small. This stick is going to tell me if I'm going to be a mother or just the same girlfriend I was yesterday. I bent down and picked up the stick walking slowly to the bathroom knowing these last moments are the last I'll be in the dark and not know. I don't know which would be scarier; knowing or not knowing.

If I knew I could either cry or get extremely scared, not knowing gave me some reassurance because either outcome was possible.


The stick sat on the counter face down and I looked right into my eyes in the mirror.

This is it, this is the moment my life could change forever. This could be the moment I need love the most. How would this news come to other people; to Shawn? Is he going to be scared?

Ten minutes go by like waiting for water to boil, it sat there with the answer in front me just waiting for me to know. I pick up my naked empty left hand and touch the stick, knowing the answering was in my hand made me even more anxious and nervous. I flipped it and my eyes were so watery I could barely read it. I closed my eyes tight and the water went down my cheeks. I opened looking straight at the screen. I saw it, I saw the positive sign and my heart dropped to my stomach no to my feet.

I walked back and sat on the edge of the tub and my stomach just fell to my knees. The stick fell to the ground and looked right at me.

They're not always accurate, maybe this one isn't right. I nodded my head. Right, right take another one and we'll know for sure.

After the third one I realized that this was real and there was a human growing inside me. There was Shawn's baby in me, I was carrying my loves child and I had no idea how to react. There was a knock at the door and the knob started moving because Shawn tried opening it.

"Babe are you okay? You've been in there awhile now. What's wrong?" The knob was jiggling even more now.

I wiped my nose and wiped my eyes, I got up looking in the mirror and made myself look presentable. I unlocked the door and walked away from it. Shawn opened it and walked in.

"What's going on, you don't spend this much time in the bathroom.....unless your on your period. Are you okay do you want chocolate I can get you some pills if your not feeling okay."

He took my hand in his and looked concerned but in a way that he wanted to help. He went for the medicine cabinet by his sink and opened it, a bottle feel on the counter and Shawn went to pick it up but froze. His hand moved to that stick that just told me who I'm going to be. His eyes were wide and watery and he looked at me and then the stick.

"Are you- is this real?" A tear went down my cheek and I wiped it away with the back of my hand. "Are we really?"

I nodded my head slowly and almost hesitantly. I licked my lips and got nervous waiting for what he'd say next.

"We're," my voice cracked. "Pre... pregnant."

There was silence and I was waiting for him to say something, anything. His straight face turned to a smile.

"Really?" He put the stick down and walked towards me. "Right there, it's in there." He put his hands on my stomach.

I just nodded. He picked me up and spun us around. He looked right at me and smiled as tears escaped his eyes. He kissed my chin and I slid down back to my feet. He then kissed my forehead.

"We're going to be parents." He said with a big smile on his face.

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