4.0 + midnight

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I kept feeling Shawn moving around in the bed and finally it woke me up. I turned to him and saw him staring at the ceiling and looked very focused. I faced him and put my hand on his chest.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

He shock his head and inhaled.

"Nothing I just can't sleep."

He always had a reason for not being able to sleep, he only had insomnia when on tour. He's been home for a month now so your isn't even on his mind yet.


He smiled sideways and looked at me from the side.

"You know me too well. I'm just nervous, we've been trying for a baby for a year and nothings happening. What if something's wrong with you or me or us both. Baby, I want to give you a family. I want to give you a baby, what if I can't do that?"

I wrapped my arm around his chest and put my head on his chest looking up at him.

"If you can't do that, I still love you. If we both can't do that I'll still stay. If I can't do that, we'll find another way because I'm not leaving you for any reason. Your my family now and we're just trying to expand it, we may have a few bumps in the road while trying but what's life without those? Everyone has them and people that say they don't have had so many it's just normal now. I'm not going, anywhere."

He kissed the top of my head and played with my hair.

"What if we set an appointment with a doctor to see if there's anything wrong, eh? Come on my little Canadian man, whatcha say?" I smiled and Shawn pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you my little Canadian wife, you always find a way to make me smile."

"And noThing will change that." I kissed him and he fell back asleep in my husbands arms.


"So you two are here to see what the delay is in pregnancy?"

Shawn grabbed my hand and squeezed it I squeezed back and leaned on his arm. The doctor sat down at his desk across from us and had a file of papers in his hands.

"Yes, my wife and I have been trying for a year but nothing has happened. We just want to know what or could be wrong."

The doctor opened his file and took some papers out, he slid his glass down his nose. He had gray hair that was slicked back with gel, his white jacket laid on his shoulders perfectly.

"Okay well it is normal to take this long, your lucky if you get it within a couple months. The women has their period and after that they are in ovulation, the eggs in them go down the fallopian tube and are in the uterus. That's when it's the best to try because the egg is placed perfectly. I have your file here with your answers, would you like me to tell you or look at it?"

"Could you tell us?" Shawn said.

The doctor nodded and put his glasses back on and looked at our papers.

"Okay so I'm not seeing any signs of failure to produce, you both look perfectly fine. Okay now how many's times on a bases do you try?"

"Maybe twice a week, some weeks we don't because Shawn's gone."

"So in total you've probably tried six months I'm guessing?"

"Yeah I guess so." Shawn said.

"Okay here's what I suggests. Try three times a week at least and if you ask the front desk they will give you a book like thing that will tell you all sorts of things." He slid his glasses down and looked at us.

"Along the lines of positions, diet, health, and more. If you two go over that together it should help."

"Okay thank you so much Mr. Gomez." Shawn said standing up.

"No problem, it's my job. Good luck."

Shawn opened the door and we both walked out, he held my hand and kissed it.

"I guess this is when we really have to up our game." He said.

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You better stretch and be prepared for some lovin."

I slapped his arm softly.

"One quite and two I told you to stop sayin that, it's so cringy."

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