2.7 + diner

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I walked in with not even thinking about the fact that she could of been here. It was our place and I didn't think she'd come here after our history. I thought it could bring back bad memories. I sat at a booth and heard the thunder outside and saw the rain on the window as it slid down the glass. A red headed older lady came walking over and had gum in her mouth.

"What can I get you son?" She asked as she leaned against the booth seat.

"Chocolate chip muffin and coffee, please."

"On it," She said walking back to the counter and getting a muffin from the tray and pouring some coffee in a white cup bringing them to me. I sat there looking out the window and watching the rain and the lightning flashing in areas on the sky.

I heard a ringing at the door and saw a girl run in and put her umbrella down then showing her face.

"Hey (y/n), couldn't sleep again?" The red headed lady asked as she put her umbrella by the door and unzipped her jacket.

"Yeah," she laughed. "This place is my second home I guess."

She went walking over the booth on the other side of the restaurant and taking a seat. The red headed girl walked over with a plate of pancakes and a muffin on the side.

"You already have it?" (Y/n) asked.

"You come in every Monday night at 10 exactly. I made it ten minutes ago, I know my little miss (y/l/n) and what she likes." She smiled and took a bite of her pancakes. The lady came walking over to me.

"Could I get you anything else?"

"Could I have more coffee?" I asked holding my cup up. She nodded and walked off. I couldn't stop looking at her, I hadn't seen her in 4 months. The lady walked back with a silver jug and poured more coffee in.

"She pretty?" She asked as she leaned against the booth. I nodded my head. She sat next me.

"Her boyfriend broke up with her about 4 months ago, she's come in every Monday. That's the day it happened, she was heartbroken. She's happy now, who knows maybe you're the next and last boyfriend." She walked off and went to the counter then bringing a cup to her.

I saw the lady motion her head to me and then she saw me, she looked like she saw a ghost. She put money down on the table and walked out.

"(Y/n)!" I put money on the table and ran after her. I opened the door and saw her walking in the direction of her place.

"(Y/n) Wait. Let me talk to you." The rain started coming down on us and her hair was getting wet and sticking to her forehead.

"Talk about what? There's nothing to say."

"There's plenty to say."

"Like what? Like how your here to rub in my face that you found someone better? How your doing fine without me? I don't care, all I want is to not see you again."

"But that's not it at all, (y/n) I haven't not thought if you at all. I haven't kissed another girl since you, I haven't looked at another girl since. I've missed you too much."

"That's a bunch of crap, Shawn. We both know thats not true, don't lie."

"You still come here. That most mean something."

"It means I'm hungry and can't sleep at nights so I come to the closest diner to me. That's all." She walked away from me and wouldn't turn around. I called for her but nothing. All I heard was the lightning and thunder. I walked back into the diner and saw the lady as she looked disappointed.

"Your shawn?" She asked. I nodded my head. I went to the booth and got my phone and called her numerous times but she wouldn't pick up.

"She won't answer, she deleted your number. And you know her, she doesn't answer the phone when she doesn't know the number." The lady said as she took the plate and cup near me.

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