6.8 + dreaming of you

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"I miss you," I said into the phone as Shawn was on the other line.

"I miss you too, I can't wait til I can hold you again. Not much longer, three more days." He said and I could feel the love in his voice.

"Still feels like forever," I said as a warm tear stream down my face.

"I know, I know. But don't think about it, then it'll go by quick." He said lovingly.

"That's all I'll think about, you're all I think about idiot." I said laughing.

"I'm all you think about, eh?" He asked like a cute little teenage boy.

"If I could slap your chest right now, I would." I said laughing into the phone.

"I miss the way you smell." I said with a smile but my heart forming a frown.

"Go to the dresser, pull out one of my hoodies and sleep in it if you miss me that much sweetheart." I pulled out one of his hoodies, put him on speaker and then slipped into his hoodie. Even though I do that every night, I followed his instructions.

"Sing to me?" he asked more like a command.

"You want me to sing to you?" I asked confused because I'm the one always asking him to sing to me.

"Yeah, we always sing together but I never get to just hear you unless I sneak up on you while you're in the shower." I could hear his smirk through the phone.

I started to sing our song through the phone, I'm always nervous to sing in front of people but it's different with him. He still makes me nervous but makes me calm at the same time. Once I finished singing shawn had all these stories to tell me. Apparently Brian met some girl and they've been talking, oh and Shawn tripped on stage...... again. He's such a clumsy person yet never really admits it.

"I am not clumsy." Shawn insisted while exaggerating the "not".

"Uhhh, yes you are. Shawn I can literally search on youtube "shawn mendes falling compilation" and there's be tons of videos." I said while rested my head on his chest.

"Oh so you fell again?" I asked sarcastically.

"Oh shut up (y/n), I know what you're gonna say so don't even say it." Shawn said but I could see him smiling on the other line.

"My mom said you went and visited her yesterday."

"Yeah, I did. All of them actually. Your mum and I had wine together and then we all ate dinner, Aaliyah and I hung out in her room for awhile. I actually fell asleep too. I ended up just leaving this morning." I said with a laugh.

"Oh so you're stealing my family now too?" Shawn said with a fake hurt in his voice.

"Yeah I am. And what else have I stole from you?" I asked while heading to the kitchen.

"My heart." He knew what he was saying and how smooth he was.

"Smooth one Mendes." I replied with a smile and blushing checks.

"Well Cez is calling me over for a meeting. I love you and miss you."

"Love and miss you too, byeeeeeee."

Hi guys! Woah, it has been a longggggggg time since I've updated this but........ Wonder comes out tonight!!!!!! So I figured I'd do an imagine. This was one I actually had in drafts but never finished so here it's yours now. :)

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now