5.3 + im scared

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Shawn sat in the drivers seat and I in the passengers, it's getting harder and harder to climb in this big Jeep. Our doctors appointment went good, the babies healthy and all. Their little heartbeat is heaven to my ears, Shawn teared up a bit and tried to hide it. The one thing is that....... I'm so scared to give birth.

Shawn turned the radio up a bit more and drove down the busy but fast street. He tapped his fingers along to the beat on the steering wheel and sang quietly. I looked outside the window and watched as we past the buildings.

"I'm so happy, I can't til I can hold our little man or little lady." Shawn said, I don't think ever seen him this happy besides on our wedding day.

"Mh hm," I said. I was hoping Shawn wouldn't notice my voice crack because he was so happy. His hand landed on my thigh and rubbed it with his thumb, he looked at the road and back at me every few seconds.

"What's wrong baby? Our baby is healthy, it's all okay."

I turned to him and my eyes were watery and my nose was red, I could tell because he bopped it with his finger.

"I-I'm sc-scared," I said as my breath hitched.

"Of what?" He asked looking at the road and back at me while his hand was still on my thigh.

"Of pushing a human being out of me, it's going to hurt like hell. I just know it." My hands were sweaty and I wiped them on my jeans.

"Aww baby, I can only imagine. But you can get an Epidural, okay? And just think after it all you get to hold watermelon." I laughed at the nickname we have for our baby. We don't know the sex so after every appointment if it's bigger than before we name it after a fruit that's as big as them.

"Yes, I'll get to hold watermelon finally. But I'll miss having them in my belly too. But I can't wait to see their tiny toes." Shawn smiled and held my hand.

"See, it'll all be worth it. And I'll be pregnant next time, okay?" He said with a cheesy grin.

"Your not a sea horse shawnie, but okay." Shawn brought his hand up to his lips and kissed it.

"And, plus we get to try again." He said with his eyebrows going up and down. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Oh yes, that's your favorite part, right?"

"Second favorite, watermelons my first." He said reaching over and touching my belly.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Yes," I said while sniffing and laughing while still crying a little. He looked at me and held my hand tight.

"It'll all be okay, okay?" I nodded.


"Denny's?" Shawn asked.

"How'd you know?"

"I know you want your Carmel banana pancakes." I smiled really big and laughed. We turned into the parking lot and Shawn got out walking over to my side, I unbuckled my self and Shawn opened the door. He held his hands up helping me out.

We walked in and it was fairly empty. We walked to the counter and they showed us to our seats. We come here at least twice a week so they don't freak out when Shawn walks in, it's really nice and relaxing.

The waitress walked to us and had her red hair up in a messy bun with her pen behind her ear, she had gum and was in a yellow outfit.

"The regular?" She asked. Shawn told her yes and she walked off with a smile.

Mendes regular, we heard from the kitchen.

"We're famous here," Shawn said.

"Your famous everywhere," I replied laughing with an eye roll.

"Names?" I asked.

"Well we have to agree on one soon," he said.

"What about Sky?!" He asked loudly.

"We've been over this, I'm sorry I just don't love that name. I know you have for a long time but I can't see my daughter named that."

"Well I won't give up on that name. What about..........Sabrina?" He asked.

"Sabrina? I like it."

"Wait really? Are you serious!?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, I like Sabrina, Sierra, Jasmine, and Nova. Those girls names I'm on board with."

"Great!" Shawn said as he jumped up. I looked around and at him and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oops, Sorry." He said to the workers.

"It's okay, it's too quiet in here. We need to feel lively anyway." Some girl said cleaning a table.

"What about boys?" He asked.

"See I don't have many that I love. There's Dalton and there's Finn. Finn I think I like more." I said.

"Uh ah! I don't like them, nope. X out those names." He said shaking his head fast.

"Do you guys think Finn and Dalton are a good name for our son?" Shawn asked everyone.


"Eh uh!"


"Fine, x them out."

They brought our food over and one of their name tags was Nick. I turned to Shawn and said.

"What about Nick?" I asked as he took a bite from his waffles. His mouth was full which made me laugh a lot. He nodded his head and swallowed.

"I like it!"

"Finally, now we have to choose between the girls names." I said and Shawn threw his head back.

"Honestly, I love them all, you choose."

I love this imagine sooo much. It's really cute. You guys I can't believe I'm almost to 40k reads that so crazy to me. I remember when I got to 1,000 and didn't have words. I love every single one of you and I mean that with all my bones, cells, and atoms in me. You make me so happy, especially when I see your comments. When you say it's cute or you cry because it's sad. I put all my heart and soul into these and it means the world to me that someone else reads them and enjoys them too. I love you, the person reading this. Yes you and I wouldn't be half as happy without you. Oh and the reason there's a picture of the cast from friends is because this is the episode Ben is born, I won't ruin Ben belongs to, but I was going to say Ben for a name but I ended up not liking it for Shawn and we'll you. Hahah.


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