2.4 + forrest gump no. 2

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My baby girls voice made me realize what I could lose and what she could lose. I wouldn't see her go off the elementary school, middle, or high and then college. Her first boyfriend, her husband, and then watch her become a mother, I couldn't lose that. I heard the door open and watched my husband walk in with red watery eyes. The mask was on my face so I couldn't say anything and my eyes were closed, it took too much to open them. Shawn must of thought I was sleeping.

"Baby, (y/n). Please don't leave me. I'm begging you! How will I do this without you." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, I felt something that was a shooting pain in my stomach then heard loud beeping noises. A nurse came running in and a doctor, Shawn shot up and had a look of panic on his face.

"Her heart beeps dropping and she's losing blood, must be internal blood loss. We got to get her back to surgery."

"What's wrong with her?! Will she be okay?!" Shawn asked as he tried holding my hand but a nurse pushed him out of the way and they rolled me out of the room and all I heard was the wheels against the tile and the cries of Shawn but those became faint as I moved farther and farther away from him.

A nurse brought her face to my ear and I could hear something.

"Okay sweetie, we're going to do our best but help us. Help us save you so you can be with your family."

Those words, those words made me feel more ill than I already did. I heard the noises of the doctors as they came running in the room and then I feel to sleep.


"Sir, your wife is better. But I will need to watch over her for awhile, the bullet went through her waist and it damaged some organs. From our data she will be fine, we did what we needed to and she should be stable enough to go home in a week."

Shawn felt a relief wash over him and he teared up from happiness.

"Can I see her?"

"Not quite yet, she's recovering. She's sleeping but you can see her in an hour."


"Hey baby, thank you. Thank you for fighting and staying with us, our baby girls happy again now. She was playing with Aaliyah and laughed. She's okay, I know you most of been worrying about her, she's happy her mommy better. Don't scare me like that again, I can't lose you." Than I felt his lips touch my forehead and the he held my hand.

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