3.7 + road trip

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I sat there on the passenger seat while Shawn drove down the long road. He had his hands were on the wheel as he steered the way to our destination. I looked at his side profile while he focused on the road, he smiled and grabbed my hand holding it.

"Okay (y/n) stop looking at me." He said as he squeezed my hand.

"Why can't I look at my boyfriend?"

"Well it's hard to focus when when you keep staring at me." He replied.

"It's hard to focus when your with me so it's hard for us both."

I looked out my window and saw the trees covered in snow and the mountains having having snow on the top and watching the snow fall to the floor. The window was getting frosty and I looked into the rear mirror and saw myself then looked back to the snow.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I asked while still holding his hand.

"Nope, your not going to get it out of me. It's a surprise I told you that and that's all I'm saying."

"Well obviously it's in Canada because we're still in snow and your taking the Jeep."

"I'll give you that but only that."


"Okay so we're getting close but before we get there, do you remember the first time I told you I loved you?" He asked as continued to drive.

"Uh yeah, we were at your concert in Chicago and you sang Fallin' All In You and you came off stage and told me and then went back on stage and brought me up."

"Do you remember the first time we kissed?"

I smiled confusedly and nodded.

"We were outside my apartment door and it started raining while I looked up your grabbed my face and kissed me. Even though that sounds so cliché it's true."

"Yep, do you remember the first time I brought you to meet my parents?"

"Shawn, what are you doing?" I asked while laughing.

"Just answer the question."

"Yes, we all went to a cabin for a week."

Shawn pulled up to a beautiful landscaped mountain with a lake to the side and a picnic area covered by a metal top. It was filled with twinkle lights and flower pedals on the floor. I opened my door and ran out.

"This is beautiful, Shawn! How'd you find it? I've always wanted to come here!"

He came up behind me and held me from the back.

"I asked your friends if you've ever told them about some place you've wanted to visit for a long time."

I turned around and held him tight not wanting to let go. I kissed him and thanked him a million times.

"This is my last question (y/n), do you remember me bringing you here?"

"Yes silly, we're here right now."

He let me go and got down on one knee holding my hands.

"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n) I love you with all my heart. I would drop everything if I had to just to be with you, you make me the happiest. That day I met you there's was something different about you, I didn't know it then but I know it now. I love the way you smile and light up a room, I love the way you always are trying to take care of me and never let me feel sad. But most of all I love you for loving me for the person I am and not trying to change me. You accept everything about me my flaws and perfections. Your my perfection and the best perfect mistake I made in my life. So (y/f/n) (y/l/n) will you do me the honor of making me your husband? Marry me?"

I went down on my knees and held Shawn close in a tight hug and cried.

"I take that as a yes?"

"Yes, Yes a million times yes. I love you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes!"

I kissed him and our foreheads touched, he pulled out the ring and showed it to me. It was a beautiful simple diamond with a silver lining and small diamonds on the band. He slid it on my finger and I looked at it and back at him.

"I love you sooo much baby."

"I love you too hun."

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