3.9 + distance

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Warning: contains mention of smut

"Baby I miss you I really do, truly. But I have to go to this party it's Diana's baby shower. I'll call you when I get home?" I said through the phone. I heard him sigh and take a deep breathe.

"Okay, I love you too. I'm going to text you when you get there though."

"Okay that's fine, bye baby."

"Bye hun, tell Diana I said hi."


I hung up and grabbed my keys; I got dressed while talking to Shawn so I just had to drive to Dianas house. I got in the car and drove, it was about 4 miles away. While I drove Treat You Better came on and I was going to text Shawn "TYB<8" when I could. I would text him that anytime it came on and the "<8" was a heart but not with a 3 because we loved each other, it's actually really cheesy and annoying to some but who cares.

I pulled up to Dianas house and walked in and saw her get up her seat with her big belly. She cupped her belly and walked over and gave me a hug well kind of, her stomach was in the way.

"Do you want me to do anything?" I asked as I helped her sit back down.

"Can you just get me a cookie, I want one so bad."

"Sure," I walked over to the table with treats and got her a chocolate cookie.

"Can you get me a water bottle too?"


I walked to the kitchen and pulled my phone out and saw a few texts from Shawn.

I miss you babe

I can't handle not touching you

"Oh," I said louder than I meant to.

"What's wrong?" Diana asked from the other room.

"Oh nothing, someone just texted me."

I miss you under me. Baby answer me.

That's it I'm coming home ASAP, after this show I'm taking a plane home for the 3 days.

I went to the keyboard and started typing.

Shawn what are you talking about? You have a show tonight and one in three days, do you really want to come home and not practice and explore Italy?

Yes I don't care, I miss my girlfriend. I'm coming home.

Baby I miss you too but are you sure?

Yes, I miss you under me. I miss your kisses, I miss kissing your neck, your thighs, your stomach, your jawline. I miss touching you, your not prepared for me when I come home.

I was smiling and my eyes were widened as I looked at my screen.

"What's with you (y/n)?" Diana asked as I gave her her water. I shook my head.

"Oh nothing."

"I'm a pregnant woman, I need information."

"Okay but this is the last time you can use that. Shawn's talking about coming home right after his show tonight because he misses me."

"And? There's more I know it."

"Well to put it in Shawn's words "he misses me under him"." I said while laughing.

"Okay yeah last time I ask. But that's cute you know in a hot sexual way."

"I guess so, but now I'm scared."

"He would never hurt you (y/n). You know that."


I'm serious, I'm coming home.

I saw another text from him as I opened the front door and walked into our house. It's been 6 hours since Dianas party; I went earlier than others and helped. I saw a bag by the door and shoes. I walked down the hallway and saw someone sleeping on the bed. I smiled at seeing Shawn's profile and walked closer. He had his clothes on from the show. I walked over and unbuttoned his shirt taking it off.


"Shh, you back to sleep. I'm taking your clothes off so your comfy."

I put my keys down on the nightstand and my phone. I stripped him from his pants and his shoes. He got under the blankets and fell back asleep. I got ready for bed and took my makeup off, I climbed under the sheets and Shawn pulled me close.

"I missed your touch." He said holding me close.

"I missed yours too."


"Okay sleepy head, go to sleep."

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