4.5 + stitches

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"Shit," I said loudly as I cut myself while cooking dinner. I heard Shawn get off the bed and rush to the kitchen.

"What happened babe?" He asked as he slowly walked towards me.

"I cut my thumb!" I said loudly as I held it. He walked over and looked at the cut, he made a nervous look with his lips.

"Babe your gonna need stitches we need to go to the hospital." He turned off the stove and grabbed the keys off the counter walked us to the door as he grabbed his wallet all the while still holding my arm.

We walked down the stairs and headed to his Jeep parked a foot away and he opened my door and helped me in. He walked over and got in and started driving to the hospital. Shawn stops at the red light and I groan at the pain.

"Does it really hurt that bad babe?"

"No I'm just crying for the pure fun!" I shook my head and puffed air out my nose.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just hungry and tired and in pain. Ya the worst mix of emotions."

"Don't worry about it." He said while putting his foot back on the pedal and driving off.

He parked in the parking lot and we walked into the ER, Shawn walked up to the desk and signed me in.

"It won't be too long." He said while sitting down next to me.

"It's slow tonight apparently."

These two teen girls walked up and smiled.

"Hi your Shawn Mendes and your his girlfriend (y/f/n) (y/l/n) right?"

We shook our heads.

"What's wrong?"

Shawn tilted his head towards me.

"She cut her thumb while making dinner."

"Oh so you'll be needing stitches?" One girl with blonde hair said while laughing.

"I'm sorry I couldn't resist."

I smiled and shook my head.

"Don't worry, someone had to make the joke. It would be weird if no one did."

"I hope you feel better soon (y/n)."

"Thank you," I said as they walked away.


"Okay you just need about three stitches and that's it. You didn't cut too deep but it's still bleeding pretty bad." The doctor said.

We walked out and got back into Shawn Jeep and drove back home. I walked through the front door and smelt the food that I was making.

"I'm soooo hungry!" I said.

Shawn walked to the kitchen and went to the fridge, he pulled out the bread and cheese along with turkey and other stuff.

"Want a sandwich?"

"Yes pleaseeeee!" I said while ploping on the couch.

I heard him making it and then walking into the living room and gave it to me on a plate. He sat next to me as he ate his own sandwich.

"Well Mr.Mendes, if I knew you were such a great cook-"

"Oh shut up and eat your 5 Star meal."

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