6.2 + at the bar

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Shawn was finally able to get me to come out tonight with friends, I just wanted to stay in and watch Coyote Ugly but Shawn wanted me to come with everyone and not keep getting asked where I was. Shawn somehow got behind the bar and started giving drinks, I don't know how and I don't want a drink made by him that's for sure. He was never one that was good at mixing drinks, he'd always ask me to make him one if really wanted a drink but didn't want to leave the house.

Since Shawn was playing bartender he left me with our friends, his friends actually. I don't really know them that much except for Brian and Matthew because they're always together so I know them well enough. Some of the girls that were with us were dancing but a few guys but most of them were sitting at a booth as I sat next to Matthew. I stayed quite not talking much, I'm not shy but around them I am because I don't know what to say. Brian leaned over the table and tried being loud enough for me to hear him.

"You sure you don't want a drink?" He asked fairly loud.

"No, I don't want to risk getting it made by Shawn." I said laughing as I heard a few of them laugh at my comment.

"I'll request it be made by someone else," Brian said and I gave in.

"Okay," I said laughing and nodding my head.

"But I can get it." I said as I stood up but Brian wouldn't let me.

"No, no I got it. Don't worry about it." He said with a smile as he finished his drink and brought it with him. I followed him and stood near by waiting. Brian turned around and was shocked to see me near by, he handed me the drink.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Just vodka and coke, I should have asked what you wanted." He said laughing.

"Oh no it's okay, this is fine. Thank you." I said with a smile as we walked back. Some girl took my seat next to Matthew so I sat next to Brian.

"Is it good?" I heard Matthew asked loudly.

"Yeah," I said with a nod. Some girl grabbed Matthew hand and dragged him to the dance floor leaving me with Brian and few people I didn't know. Two girls cake taking their seats and drank from their cups.

"I feel really awkward," I said quietly and Brian heard me.

"Why?" He asked me facing me.

"I only know you, Matthew, and my boyfriend who has been gone all night. I should have stayed home." I said taking a drink.

"Ah what? No, you gotta have fun!" He said.

"Brian, whose your friend?" One of the girls across the table asked.

"This is Shawn's girlfriend, (y/n). (Y/n) this is Lauren." He said introducing us.

"Hi (y/n) nice to meet you." She said with a big smile.

"You too," I turned to Brian and finished off my cup.

"I think I'm just gonna grab a cab and head home," I said and Brian was upset.

"Can you tell Shawn where I went?"

"Sure, Bye. I wish you'd stay though, I don't understand why you get so shy around them. You're normally really fun." I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't know why I do either." I said shrugging. I headed over to the door but got blocked by a body.

"Hi, what's your name?" Some guy asked as I could smell the alcohol from his mouth.

"My name's get out of my way." I said sternly.

"Aw, come on. Don't leave it's still early." This stranger said obviously drunk already.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I said more of a statement.

"Nope," I looked back to see where Brian was because I knew Shawn was busy behind the bar and probably didn't see me get up. Brian came up behind me and grabbed my arm to get my attention.

"Is everything okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, this guy just didn't let me pass." He still held onto my arm.

"I told Shawn you leaving, he's looking for you. He doesn't want you to leave." He said near my ear.

"I knew he wouldn't want me too but I feel uncomfortable." Brian looked behind me and turned my head to see Shawn.

"I'm done being bartender tonight, I want to be with you. I'm sorry I kinda ditched you." He said as he bent down a bit to my face.

"Come on," he said grabbing my hand, but then I felt someone grab my other hand. Shawn turned around once he noticed I wasn't walking with him. He walked toward the guy.

"Dude let her go," he said fairly nice and not as mean as I know he can get when he wants to.

"And if I don't," Shawn got annoyed and pulled my hand out of his grip.

"Really, don't make a problem when there doesn't need to be." Shawn grabbed my hand and started walking back to the booth. He took a seat and pulled me into the booth, my leg crossed over his because there wasn't much room.

"You should dance," he said into my ear.

"With who, I don't know any of your friends beside Matt and Brian." I said into his ear.

"With me," he said with a smile. I laughed.

"Sure, your gonna dance." I said laughing.

"Serious, come on." He said pushing me out of the seat.

"Wow is Shawn gonna dance?" Someone asked from the booth and Shawn laughed sarcastically.

"I've been working on it." He told me.

After having the cup I loosened up and wasn't so worried about being around people I didn't know.

After dancing Shawn I went back to the booth and I sat on his lap because there wasn't much room.

"You two are so cute!" One girl said across the table and I smiled.

"Thank you," I said back.

"What's your name?" She asked with a smile then taking a drink from her cup.


"Hi (y/n) I'm Rachel." She said with a smile.

"How did you and Shawn meet?" She asked keeping the conversation going.

"Uh, at a concert. Daniel Ceaser, actually. Talked and then traded info at the end."

"Number?" She asked curiously.

"No," I laughed knowing the answer would be funny.

"Instagram," I said as I cringed.

"Well that's probably good, because he probably didn't want his number to get leaked or something."

"That's true, I didn't think of that."


"Did you have fun?" Shawn asked as we were all walking out of the bar.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said as his arm was wrapped around my shoulder.

"Good," he said with a smile bending down and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Home?" He asked and I nodded.

"See ya guys later," Shawn said as he hugged his friends. Rachel came up to me and gave me a hug.

"It was nice to meet you, maybe next time we can talk more. Here what's your number?" I gave her my number and we made our separate ways.

"I'm happy my best friends at least know you and like you." He said as we made it to his Jeep.

"Brian and Matt?" I asked.

"Yeah, they don't hate you. It's impossible to hate you." He said. I laughed as he drove off back to his place.

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