0.1 + fight

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"(Y/n) you didn't think it was a good idea to tell me you would be moving out of the states in less than 3 weeks?"

Shawn raised his voice, Shawn and I were visiting his parents. It was my first time meeting them so I'm guessing I didn't do so great so far. We were in the backyard and his family was inside. Shawn went walking away from me towards the campfire with his hands pulling at his hair.

"I tried but I didn't know how I'd tell you. I was scared."

"What were you scared of, if you told me weeks before now I wouldn't be acting like this!"

"I-i know but how do you tell someone you love that you'll be thousands of miles away?"

"Oh no you don't get to throw that in my face."

"Throw what in your face, Shawn I'm just explaining myself!"

"What explaining how you didn't think it was necessary for me to know this?"

"Shawn, STOP!"

"Stop what, this conversation? If that's what your saying then why keep the relationship going."

I was silent as tears were pouring out from my eyes, I grabbed my hair from my head and tugged at it.

"I'll see you when I get back."

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk, bye."

He said it so forward it felt like he was stabbing me in the heart. I sat down on a chair closest to me and grabbed a blanket close by and stared at the fire. My legs were up enclosed by my chest as I felt my heart beating out of my chest, tears kept coming out and falling onto the blanket on my one exposed knee.

"You idiot, you see what you've done? You can't keep anything good in your life, you always ruin every great thing and great person that's walked into your life, you ruin it!"

I started crying even more, hearing the cracks of the fire go up into the atmosphere. I couldn't handle it anymore and I felt tears coming out my eyes every .0001 seconds I started getting a headache from the tiredness and stress. I heard someone walking up behind me in hopes it was Shawn but it wasn't it was his mom.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?"

Karen came and sat by me and held my knee with both her hands.

"I-I'm scared, w-what if he l-leaves me?"

"Love is, it's something else. You can't find anything else like it. I know Shawn and I honestly 100 percent believe that once he cools off and thinks he'll realize how hard it's been for you and put himself in your shoes."

"And I-if he doesn't?"

"Then we'll see what happens. Here I brought you something."

She brought one hand to her back and pulled out something. It was a piece of paper.

"Shawn wrote this about you and sent it to us because he wanted to be able to have something to show you when you guys were reminiscing about meeting us, but I think you should read it now. Would you like anything to drink?"

"Could I just have water, I'm getting a headache."

"Of course, I'll be back."

She walking in and I didn't open the letter because I wanted to read it once Karen went back inside and I knew I'd be alone to be really cry again. She came back out with a glass of water and handed it to me.

"Here you go darling, we'll be inside I'll leave the back door unlocked for whenever you come back in, Okay?"

"Okay Thank you again Mrs.Mendes."

"Call me Karen."

She went walking back in and I took a drink of my water and placed it on the ground. I opened the letter and saw Shawn's handwriting.

Mom Dad, I know your probably thinking "what's Shawn thinking he met the girl not that long ago how could he be in love already?" well truth is I'm in love with her because it's her. I'll try and explain the best I can. She does this thing where if she's really enjoying herself and whatever it is she's doing, she has the biggest smile and tries hiding it but it keeps showing, she'll go for hours smiling about something as cute as seeing a dog play in front of her. One night her and I were walking and we came to this candy shop, she looked through the glass window and took my hand in hers and ran in. We didn't say a word but yet knew what each other was thinking, what we both wanted and then we finally spoke after leaving it, we were in there for about 10 minutes.

I was now crying even harder and couldn't contain myself, I was just sobbing by now. I heard someone walking behind me and figured it was Karen again.

"I don't want to lose him."

"I don't want to lose you either."

I looked back and saw Shawn with puffy red eyes.

"We just need to think about this and work it out, I'm not going to lose you over something like this. We'll figure it out, okay?"

"I love you Shawn"

"I love you too (y/n)"

Inspired by Afraid written by twinpeakshawn has a bit of the same story line so if you liked this you should go read her book. The first ones completed and she's writing the sequel, she's a brilliant writer!
It's been a long time but y'all she voted for this *happy dance*

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