6.5 + children

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"Mummy, When is daddy coming home?" Finn said as he held a small blanket from the living room around his arms and laying across his body as he laid on the couch. He had his small head laying on my left thigh as a pillow, the tv screen had the movie Madagascar on playing.

"Soon baby, he's working right now. He said he wishes he could be here right now but they have to finish a song real quick." I said in response to my son. I had my 2 month babygirl in my arms as she was falling asleep to the sound of our voices and the movie. I heard my son laugh at a scene which made me happy. His laugh almost sounds like Shawn's when he was that little or so I hear. Shawn's mom has told me that, she loves spending time with her grandchildren, I live when she comes over to do just so.

Finn has by now fallen asleep and so has Elle, I had a red blanket wrapped around her loosely so she could still move around. Finn was still asleep on the couch and I debated moving him or letting him sleep on the couch. He loved sleeping in here, I don't know why but maybe it was because he woke up to the smell of breakfast. I got up turning the tv off and brought Elle into her small moveable crib in the living room and placed her down on the small bedding.

I then moved into the kitchen to clean up dinner and put things away. I got my phone out and put music on quietly as I put left overs in the fridge and trash away. Finn has been slowly learning how to clean his own dishes after meals, he's been trying to put them in the dish washer but I find sometimes a plate laying upside right on the sticks which makes me laugh but he's trying. I hear a key unlock the front door from the hallway and then the door opens to my tired husband. It's now 11:30 and he must be exhausted. I heard a yawn come from Finns mouth as he sat up to look at where the sound was coming from, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and then saw his father by the closed door.

"Daddy!" He said as he then got off the couch and ran over to Shawn, shawn picked his up and held him to the side of his chest.

"Hey buddy, did I wake you?" Shawn asked as he held him close and stood still.

"No, mommies been cleaning I heard her but didn't get up." He said and Shawn then walked over to me and kissed my check.

"Let's go put you into bed, what story you wanna read?" Shawn said as they walked down the hallway. Their voices became quieter as they got farther. I walked over to Elle and picked her up walking into my room and I pasted by Finns and saw Shawn kneeling down by his bed and reading a book to Finn.

I laid Elle down in her crib and went into the bathroom getting ready for bed. I washed my face and then started brushing my teeth when Shawn then walked in. He went straight over to Elle and just watched her sleep, he gave her small kiss on her check with a smile and then walked into the bathroom where I was.

"Hmmm," he said as he held my naked waist, he looked at me in the mirror and watched my body. I had on just a sports bra and underwear. His hands went wrapped around my waist as he laid his head on my shoulder and swayed from side to side.

"Tired?" I asked while still brushing my teeth. He nodded in response with a hum. I brought my right hand up and played with his hair. He smiled and hummed.

"Can you play with my hair when we lay down?" He asked with a smile. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course baby." Shawn let go of my body and walked into the closet getting undressed into some sweats. He walked over to the sink and washed his face.

"I love you," I said I cleaned off my tooth brush, he looked up at me with soap on his face and his eyes closed with a smile. I laughed at him and smiled at his cuteness.

"I love you too," he said then getting back to his face. I walked to my side of the bed by Elle and then Shawn turned the lights off. I felt the bed sink in a bit as Shawn climbed in next to me. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me into his chest.

"I'm not working tomorrow, I'm staying home." He whispered onto my skin. I smiled at his statement.

"Really?" I asked in return.

"Yeah, I wanna be home with my family." He said as he was dozing off.

"I like the sound of that." I said as he then fell asleep.

I'm back to doing Imagines, I forgot how much fun they were to write. Sleepy Shawn and father Shawn are my favorite.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now