6.4 + the night

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The party was slowing down and people were leaving, Bella left because she wasn't feeling good so I was left without a ride. I told her I'd figure it out, I stayed because I promised Shawn I'd help clean up. After some time everyone was gone and I was getting the garbage together and throwing it out. There were red solo cups on the tables and floor along with some napkins around the place and pizza boxes laying on the counter.

"Thanks for staying and helping me." Shawn said as he looked at me and smiled from across the kitchen island as I picked up a few solo cups and threw them into the bag in my hand.

"You mind if I put music on?" I asked as I was by the Bluetooth speaker.

"It's too quite," I said.

"Go for it," he said while picking up a cup. I put Bruno Major on knowing Shawn likes him and I do too so I didn't mind.

"Great pick," he said as he started singing along. I hummed the time to myself while walking around looking for garbage.

"Did you see who Brian left with?" He asked me walking past me.

"No, he left with someone?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, with Bella." I shook my head and laughed.

"She told me she didn't feel good, she was my ride too." I said while laughing but also annoyed.

"Wait you don't have a ride back?" He asked concerned.

"No, Bell wanted to come together. I can always just get a lyft or something." I said waving it off.

"Don't be silly, I can bring you home if you need." He said with a smile.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it. Thanks." I said relieved.

"Of course," he said showing his teeth and smiling.

Shawn walked by singing child like smiling which made me laugh, I leaned against the counter and picked up a cup from the other side of the counter. I didn't think about it and started singing along loudly and walked past shawn picking up another cup.

"You have very pretty voice." Shawn said as our eyes met and we both smiled, the cup was in my hand and I slowly brought my hand back to the bag.

"Oh thanks,"

I didn't realize our chests were touching til he breathed and I felt his skin under his shirt move against my bra. The fabric inched on my skin which led to me moving backwards fast and clearing my throat looking down at the wooden floor.

"Um, i-is the garbage shot on this floor?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, it'll be to your left." He said, his voice. How is his voice so attractive? I grabbed a few pizza boxes and my garbage bag. I walked out the door and went to the garbage shot, after throwing the stuff away I stood there and tried breathing correctly and regain myself. I walked back down the hallway and opened the front door back into Shawn's condo, he was at the sink cleaning the counters.

"It was a fun night." I said as I kept my distance by the couch. He turned around with a smile and red rosy checks, oh and those lips. They look so soft and kissable, his hands I could hold all day and night long.

"Want me to bring you home now?" He asked as he tilt his head in kindness.

"Uh, sure. Unless you want more help." I said playing with my fingers, I tend to do that when I'm nervous.

"You nervous?" He asked as he walked over to me. I shook my head fast and let go of my hands quickly.

"No, why?" I asked. He got closer and then grabbed my hands.

"You fiddle with your hands when your nervous. I do the same, but why are you nervous." He asked concerned.

"Uh, I don't really know why." I said not being truthful.

"You sure?" He asked as his lips got closer to mine, his minty warm breathe crashing on my nose and upper lip like the waves crashing on a shore but more gracefully. I nodded my head slowly and gulped out of nervousness. He walked past me to his keys by the door, I followed shortly after and then stood by the door. His arm reached around me and went for the door and his face was right in front of me, his lips were less than inch away from me. Slowly I felt his soft lips crash onto mine and move in sync together. His arms were now wrapped around my body and his hands traveled down to my hips as he held them delicately and rubbed them. He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"You- you okay with me and you- this- kissing." I nodded my head slowly and kept my forehead on Shawn's as a smile crept onto mine and Shawn's face. I heard his keys fall onto the wooden floor as they fell off his finger.

I don't do smut any more so leave the rest to your imagination, there was this one and another left unfinished so I'm gonna post them. Might not do the other one tho.

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