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I sat on the bed as I looked down at the screen, the screen that showed the prof of how disgusting and cruel Shawn was. The texts back and forth between him and some girl named Jen. The hearts they sent, the "I can't wait to see you" texts and then those "I miss you" texts hurt more because I could have been in his arms while he sent that.

The room was a mess, his clothes on the floor and in bags. His watches and rings down stairs across the floor. I didn't care what it was as long as it was his I throw it out of its location. All I could hear were my sniffles and breathe hitching. I heard a door close and shoes clicking on the wood floor downstairs and then a bag fell to the floor and I knew it was him, the cheater coming home from rehearsals. I put myself together, my sleeves that were covering my hands I rolled them up and wiped the mascara off my cheeks.

I grabbed his phone and stood by my side of the bed waiting for him to walk up. He heard him and then saw his head coming up the stairs then followed by his body, his body that I'll miss because he won't hold em anymore once I leave. He saw me and his smile faded away.

"What's wrong babe? Are you okay?" He asked getting closer to me.

"Don't babe me, you forgot something." I said and tossed his phone on the bed and the screen lit up with another text from her. His eyes went wide and he looked right at me trying to take my hands in his, I pulled my hands back with force and gave him a death glare.

"One question, why? Why wasn't I good enough? Why did you need someone else?" I looked up at him considering how much taller he was than me but height didn't intimidate me right now. I wasn't scared I was angry and sad.

"Listen, I didn't mean to one day we met and I-"

"I don't want to know your background story on how you met, this isn't a how did you two meet, I would love to hear the story. This is a I hate you you low balling pig. I'm not here for your excuses those won't save you, I'm here for an explanation. I could have packed my things and just left and never talk to you again but yet I stand here waiting for a reason why my boyfriend thought of this genius plan to cheat on me." There was silence and I was getting weak in the knees but I couldn't allow him to see how much hurt he brought upon me. "Well?"

"I-I don't know what to say, I'm sorry (y/n) I really am. Forgive me?"

I was in disbelief I shook my head and let out a fake chuckle. "Forgive you? Forgive you? Fuck you! You think just by saying, forgive me, will fix all this. How do I know I could trust you again, this isn't just forgiving you this is the trust foundation we had is broken. We can't be the same we were before, I can't believe or trust you again. You broke us, not just me, us."

I went to my bag of clothes I packed before hand and put more in. Shawn stood there frozen with tears going down his face. He turned to me and tried taking my hand.

"Don't go, stay. Please?"

"No, I'm going. I can't believe it but......Shawn. We're...over." I broke em to say it but I had to and I had to get out of there. I grabbed the bag and ran down the stairs getting my keys off the kitchen table. And driving to where ever.


I knocked on her door and she opened it and saw me crying in the pouring rain. My breathing was going crazy and I could gasp for air.

"He- why did he?"

"Shhhh, it's okay (y/n)," she brought me into a hug. "It's okay, come in. Let's get you some warm dry clothes." She looked at me and nodded her head. "Yeah?"

I tried to get words out. "Y-yeah."

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now