5.1 + public

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"I'm over it but you keep bringing it up, I've said sorry and I've even done everything you want me to do when your mad at me." I said as I put more clothes in the suitcase. We were in our hotel room about to leave but it wasn't a peaceful exit.

"You went to bed mad at me, you never do that." I said.

Shawn kept quite and just put his guitar in its case and zipped up his suitcase. He went to the bathroom and got his stuff from there. He walked past me and didn't say anything to me.

"What else do you want me to say?" I asked as I zipped my bag up.

"I just want you to stop, just stop for once." He said and then walked out the door. I followed behind him as we went into an elevator. He hit the lobby floor button and still kept quite. The wait was long and awkward. We came to the lobby and saw fans outside waiting, Shawn handed his suitcase to someone close by and then handed me his guitar case.

We walked out and Shawn's dementor changed quick in between pictures.

"Actually do you mind if I take it with you and (y/n)?" The teenage girl asked. She held her phone in her hand and Shawn put a fake smile on and called me over.

"She wants to take a picture with both of us."

I followed what he was doing and faked my happiness. Shawn and I stood on both sides of her and Shawn took the picture.


After he took all the pictures with the fans we got into the car and it was dead silent. Andrew and his band mates were the only ones talking but my mind was so chaotic I couldn't hear them. I looked at Shawn as he stared out the window. I could tell everyone could tell something wasn't right. Shawn and I are typically more talkative.

We got out the car and walked up to the airport, we pulled our luggage out. Shawn walked over to me and grabbed mine and started pulling it. He normally does but he's mad at me so I didn't think he would. He whispered in my ear and put his hand on my back.

"Even though I may be mad right now I still love you and don't want to be a total dick. We'll talk later about this." He then kissed my check.

I didn't know how to feel I felt loved and disappointed in myself. I have such an amazing man to call my own and I take advantage of that. I need to be happy that he's mine.


We walked inside Shawn's condo and left our luggage by the door. Shawn walked over to the kitchen.

"I know you can be clueless sometimes but he was totally flirting with you and you didn't do anything." He said calmly.

"What was I suppose to do?"

"Just walk away. Simple." He replied. He was getting a bit annoyed.

"It took me three months to realize you were flirting with me, how was I suppose to know that guy was flirting within 3 minutes?" I asked him as I walked to the kitchen where he was. He leaned on his elbows and pulled at his hair. I brought my hand up his back and rubbed it, then I brought my other hand to his chest and then hugged him. He brought his body up and looked at me pulling me close into him from my back. He kissed me and then hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry, I just hate when you get attention from other guys." He said.

"Aw is someone jealous?" I asked him.

"Even if I was I make up for it by making you my number one priority. So you better know I'm the only one that can make you feel the way you do."

"Is that suppose to be cheesy and cute or is it a sexy confident remark?" I asked him and he brought his hands even closer to my butt.

"Emm, sexy confident remark."

"Hmm, Okay." I laughed as he kissed me.

Would you guys believe me if I said I worked on this imagine for about a month? I did little parts of it every so often, I just didn't know what to have happen in it bhahha. And it's finally done!!!

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