1.0 + harry potter

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I was currently was Shawn condo with him. He just got back from promoting his two new singles and was exhausted so we just stayed in. We ordered pizza and watched movies.

"How about the most amazing and Grammy worthy film. Harry Potter!"

"I'm sure but I've never seen it so..."

Shawn had a look of shock on his face as he held the disk in his hand. He stood still like he just saw a ghost.

"You mean to tell me you've never seen Harry Potter and we've been dating for 1 year and we've never watched it together?"

"I'm yeah I guess so."

"This is unacceptable, I've cheated you of this amazing movie! We are going to sit here watch this movie and eat pizza, and you can't get up to go to the bathroom so you better go now!"

"Okay wow!"

I walked to the bathroom and did what I needed to then walking out to see Shawn has made popcorn and put a bundle of blankets on the couch, the pizza box was set on the ottoman.

"Your serious about this."

"Very. Now come on."

Shawn grabbed my wrist and we sat down. I picked up a slice of the cheese pizza and took a bite as the movie began.


Half way threw the movie I placed my head on Shawn's chest and watched, Shawn played with my hair.


"Wasn't that movie just amazing?"

"Yes Shawn it was." I said while smiling at how cute Shawn was being. He loved this movie it was obvious I mean he wanted to know everything I thought about it.

"Okay now tomorrow we're going to watch the next one! You'll love that one too."

"Okay I'm sure I will."


"I'm tired."

"Okay I'll put this stuff away you go and get ready."

"You sure I can help you."

"No no no, go." I got up and walked towards Shawn rooms.

I've actually never seen Harry Potter, sue me. My friends from a Shawn Mendes group chat bugged me about it when I first told them, apparently I'm really missing out. "It will change my life!" Haha sorry Shawn, after my 15 years of living I've never watched it.

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