5.2 + mad sounds

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"Shawn, that was so cool! You blow my mind every time your on stage" I said walking up to him as he walked off the stage. He took his guitar off and held it up out of the way as he held me with his other arm. I let go and he walked down the rest of the stairs as his band followed behind him.

"What about us (y/n)?" Zubin said as someone grabbed his guitar from him.

"Yeah!" Dave followed.

"You guys are always great! Would you feel better if I kissed you guys too?" I asked and Shawn shot his head back and held me back by my waist bringing his arms around my belly. The band laughed and then they started talking, Shawn's hands were still on my belly and he shot them back and I jumped, every one of Shawn's friends and crew looked at us like we were crazy.

"What happened?" I heard someone say.

"Oh my god! Did you feel that?" I asked with my eyes wide opened.

"No, that's not why I jumped back. Of course I felt it!" He said sarcastically then walked closer again and put his hands on my belly again.

"She kicked!" I said loud enough for everyone around us to hear. Shawn picked me up and kissed me then put me down and felt again. Shawn jumped back again like a little boy when he felt her kick again.

"You look like a little boy in a candy shop Shawn." I said while smiling and laughing.

"You really do," Dave said behind me.

"Oh my god! She's never done that before! Oh my god, that's my baby." He said all excited.

We heard Arctic Monkeys go on and they started playing. Shawn held me close to his body and we swayed back and forth together. Shawn kissed the back of my head and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Baby," he said in my ear.

"Yeah?" He turned me around and just smiled at me, he kissed my forehead and then I saw him bend down.

"What are you doing sh-?"

"(Y/n) (l/n), I love you more than anything, well that's not all truthful. I love this baby as much if not even more." He said while he put his big hand on my belly.

"I love our family that's beginning, and I'm so happy I had it with you. Your going to be the mother of my daughter and future daughters and sons. Your my everything, your what I think of when I perform the love songs, and heartbreak songs. Because it would kill me see you walk out a door and never come back to me. What I'm trying to say is, will you marry (y/n) (l/n)?" My eyes started to water up and I couldn't say anything I just nodded and hugged Shawn. People were applauding around us and there were a couple whistles when Shawn and I kissed and his hands traveled to my lower back, although my big belly was in the way. I pulled back and stood on my toes and placed my forehead on his.

"I love you," I said smiling.

"I love you too,"

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