0.6 + chords

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I could hear Shawn playing a song in his music room, it didn't sound familiar so I figured it was new. I was in the kitchen cleaning after the dinner we made last night and walked to the doorway and leaned against the frame and watched him. Shawn had his back to me while he played on his guitar. I listened for awhile while he strung the chords and sung.

"That's beautiful." I said while smiling at my handsome boyfriend.

"You think? I'm happy about it, I've been working on it by myself. No help from Geoff or anyone."

"Well I can tell, it sounds like you. You have a certain sound but this song really shows your sound."

Shawn placed his guitar on its stand by the wall and walked over to me and took me into one of those hugs where he holds my waist but leans back to see me. I still leaned against the wall with my hip sticking out so Shawn could hold onto me.

"What made you decide to just stay the night last night? That was the first time you did that."

"Well the wine told me to not leave because I had a few cups and it said this is the place where I want to stay. Forever." I mumbled the last part to myself so Shawn couldn't hear.

"Well, you should stay the night more often."

Shawn said while kissing me then letting me go and walking off. As he walked away I slapped his butt and he turned around and picked me up while walking to his room, he placed me down on the bed and I positioned my self on my elbows. Shawn brought his lips to mine and kissed me we both fell back onto the bed and Shawn was laying on top of me. I started playing with his hair as he put his head on my chest.

"I love you Shawn."

Shawn looked up at me.

"I love you too (y/n)."

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now