4.9 + you miss me

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I sat at the bar of the party and minded my own business and holding the small straw to my drink stirring it. All the celebrities were here since it was an after party for the award show. Camila made me stay because she didn't want me to miss out like I guess I topically do. Although she was off doing her own thing cause I made her so she didn't bore herself to death with me I couldn't just leave and upset her.

I'm no one special really, I'm not. I'm just a friend to some of these people and no one really notices me. I mean I'm sitting here all alone if that doesn't say I'm no one special I don't know what would.

I saw him from across the room and I knew I'd have to prevent myself from looking at him or staring or even just a quick glance that could turn into eye contact which would literally be the end of the world.

I spun my chair around and looked at the wall so I had zero chance of any of those scenarios from actually happening.

"(Y/n) right?" The bartender asked.

I nodded. "Yeah?"

"Would you like anything else? You look pretty bored."

"Wow the observation police is on duty tonight I see." I said sarcastically. I shook my head right after.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not suited for these kind of things but my friend wouldn't let me go. Seriously she has my mom as hostage, she won't let me go."

"Very funny," he said.

"And it's very funny you acted like you didn't know my name Bob." I said back as I took a drink after.

"Your the only one I let call me bob, you know that right?" I nodded my head with a big smile.

"You know that big mouth of yours will trip you up one day."

"Your saying it like it hasn't before." I said then laughing.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked that way then following my body with my eyes.

"Oh hi," I said surprised.

"Hey woman," he said back.

"We're not together anymore you can't call me that," I said then turning again and looking at bob. Shawn sat next to me and ordered a drink.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm ordering a drink, is that a crime?"

"When it's happening next to me yes, your doing this just to annoy me."

"Oh am I?"

"Yes you have a girl over there all over you and get you stay here."

"If I have a girl over there then why am I over here? He asked like I should I know why, well I do.

"Go back to her." I said sternly.

"Emmm nope." I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Somebody's in a mood, eh?" He said. He knew whenever he said "eh" it got to me.

"Just stop, Shawn."

"What am I doing?" He asked cluelessly as always.

"Making me miss you, stop." I said and then got up and walked away. I could hear him behind me as he walked as fast as me and caught up to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

"Is that such a bad thing?" He asked as his face got closer to mine. The music was louder over here and the lights were brighter the people were louder.

"Yes," I said and felt his warm breathe on my skin.

"And why?"

"Because your not good for me."

I was silent and nervous.

"You make me happy."

Then I felt his lips touch mine and didn't back away I let him continue and then found myself in a room with him and had no self control.

Imagines | Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now