3.1 + ring

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As Shawn pushed his cart with his guitars in I pulled his luggage. His crew was ahead of us while Shawn and I both walked slower than the rest. I had tears falling down my cheek and tried hiding the fact that I was sad. We came to his gate and we both turned to each other. There were things blocking fans from running up to him, they stood behind them and just called his name and took videos and pictures of him.

He held both my hands and then brought his hand to my face to wipe my tear away. He kissed my forehead and held me close. He put his chin on my head and I could fell his chin when he would speak.

"Don't cry baby, please. I don't want you crying, I hate when you cry."

Shawn grabbed my hand and walked us to an area more private, there were a couple fans that saw us though, it was hard to get away from them. He looked into my eyes and smiled sideways.

"I love you," he said softly. "With my heart, I do. This distance thing, it's going to be hard but it's you and me. We've gone through worse, a death. An ex. This is just another obstacle we have to and will overcome."

He licked his lips and then shook his head putting his hand back in his jacket.

"I love you (y/n). The only person I think of when I see a Romaric movie because it's the only thing I can watch on the planes. Your the one I think of when my mom talks about her future grandchildren. The only one that means the world to me. Baby, your my one and only. Your my inspiration, my love, my life, your my future."

"Stop, your making this harder. I don't want to go 5 months without your kisses, or you hugs. Or simply just you, I don't like this. I don't like you leaving."

He brought me into a hug and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't like it either, but your forgetting that I'm going to make trips back home in between those 5 months. And you are too."

Mendes we gotta go, the planes waiting.

Andrew said from behind us. Shawn held my hands and kissed me then walked off. I stayed put and crossed my arms watching him walk off. I wiped my tears and turned around to see a couple of teen girls there crying.

"You guys didn't?" One asked as she looked sad and had tears coming down her cheeks. I shook my head and smiled.

"Oh no, no, no. We're okay, I'm just going miss him."

She put her hand on her heart and looked relieved.
I walked to her and hugged her.

"Your cute, what's your name?"


5 months later

I stood there waiting to see Shawn walk out, I was too excited I couldn't keep still. Then I saw the curls and then the hazel eyes song with his beautiful face that I missed so much. I ran over to him and he picked me up spinning me around, I slid back down and he kissed me. He looked nervous and had a nervous smile.

"Are you Okay? What's wrong?" I asked as I stepped back. He took a deep breathe and nodded.

"(Y/n) you make me the happiest and luckiest guy. You make my heart jump just when I hear your name. I look at you and I see more than just some girl, I see someone who I want to carry my children. I see someone that gives me the same nerves I get when I'm on stage. The first time I met you, I had the same feeling I had when I first stepped on a stage looking out of people. You make me happy, sad, mad sometimes, but most of all you make a better person." He kneeled down and held out a box with the cutest simple ring. It was as big and a baby's pinky toe. It shined in the light and sparkled. "I was going to do this five months ago, but I didn't want to leave you right after. (Y/f/n) will you do me the honor of making me your husband?"

Tears came down my cheek and I covered my face with my hands and nodded.

"Yes, Yes. I love you!"

He put the ring on my finger and kissed my hand and then kissed me.

"I love you too."

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