Reporter: And the famous Keira Kardashian is dead. Fans worldwide will grief over her family's loss.
In Keira Kardashian's home, the a funeral cask was made. Jessica and her newly wed husband were seeing to the millions of fans gathering to lay flowers on the mini graveyard.
>It was thousands more than what Ahok received<
Jessica: >Crying< can't believe she's gone.
Husband Dude: I'm sorry, babe.
Jessica: You haven't even met her...😭
Husband Dude: ...
>In an interview with husband Dude<
Husband Dude: Shittake, she's right.
Dylan walks up, with Keirann Flowers 🌺 >named after Keira<.
Jessica: ...
Jessica: YOU.
Dylan: I'm so sor-
Jessica: YOU SON OF A >BEEP<!YOU LITTLE GNAT! WHY?! WHY NOT YOU AND HER!? >Breaks down crying<
Husband Dude: I'm so sorry for her behavior. Come on honey, let's calm you down..
>Husband Dude leads Jessica back inside the house.<
Dylan: :(
Lindsay comes up.
She was secretly smiling.
Dylan: Linds? Why are you smiling? On Keira's funeral?
Lindsay: >Tries to be sad.< It's nothing. >Looks at the coffin<
Cameras zoom in on the coffin.
Keira was in there with her hands crossed. She looked pretty darn okay for a corpse.
Dylan: Can't believe she's gone.
Lindsay: She's not gone, stupid.
Dylan: Whut...
Lindsay: I-I mean, she'll always be on our hearts. And our minds. She'll be watching us from the heavens. >And other poop parents spout out when their children's goldfish got flushed down the drain.<
Dylan: Kay...
In an interview with Lindsay..
Lindsay: LOL Тя те измами SUCKERS
Lindsay: Wait for it...
Suddenly, the lights begin to shine form under the coffin... The music 'Stayin' Alive' randomly pops up...
Dylan: The cookies is going on!?
Keeping Up With the Kardashians
HumorA TV show for adults, written by a kid for a couple kids, and posted in Wattpad for teenagers over seventeen. What could go wrong? I have the answer. Everything.