Hey with a proulogue.

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To my momma❤❤ For being there for me, correcting me and making me into someone I am today❤❤ I love you so much Maami❤ this one is for you❤❤❤❤

All rights reserved. For the sake of Allah and this holy month (Ramadan) don't show up here just to steal my story plot, copy my hard work or criticize something that is very dear to me. Fear Allah and exercise patience.. I have a life outside wattpad that I won't trade for million dollars. 

Updates might be slow, I am a student, daughter, sister, friend and human.. I don't plan my life Allah does and I am not aware of the future so things might pop out anytime anywhere which might result to me not updating.

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***      ***

It was the early days of May as the country was in for constant rains for the meantime before summer comes.

       The mansion of Alhaji Gorge was deadly quiet as he was in for minutes of thinking about what his daughter had asked of him earlier.

      "Princess, I don't want you to make any decision in haste, you are very dear to daddy and you know I've never objected to anything you asked me but what your asking for is too much now" he said after a long decades of silence, she hiccupped breathing in and out before finally speaking up

       "I know daddy, I am sure, I want this marriage" she replied and her father sigh.

This isn't what he has planned for his princess. Never in his life have he imagined seeing her getting married to a common man from Gombe, he had only dreamt of her marrying one of the most eligible bachelors in Abuja who their father's were in touch with him but now this?

      "No coming home crying, No regrets, You are going to deal with everything that comes you say like matured girl that you are. Haneesa I won't take any childish behaviour from you, better know what you are getting yourself into" he father spoke with authority and finality making her body shake in fear.

Ahmaad's family can't be that bad. right?

"Yes daddy"

"Well then, may Allah bless your union."

If only she knew how his family despises her even before they've met her she wouldn't have agreed to marry the only man who manages to sweep her off her feet, make butterflies float in her stomach, make her cheeks turn into a shade of raspberry, the only one who brings a smile on her face despite her being sad. But what is meant to be will be, she just have to cope there especially when she promise not to run back home.

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