Thirty four🌸

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To everyone who asked a question and supported me💕😍 biko thank you we had such a great time. I will be live tomorrow hopefully, you don't wanna miss it trust me😉

Look💃💃 I kept my promise oo.. Oya clap for me🎉😂

Even though I am tired but I promised lots of people and I can't let y'all down😏 so shower this chapter with love naa😅😅

Not EDITED I was in a hurry soooooooo



That is the only thing that best describes me now, I turn around on the bed to come in contact with an empty bed..oh Allah!! What happened to my husband?!

I quickly sit up groaning in pain, all my muscles hurt but I managed to stand up on my two feet.

What if aliens abducted Ahmaad?

Shikeenan na shiga uku!

I've been telling him to shave his beard but he won't listen to me now those disturbing aliens have kidnapped him. Tears start to brim in my eyes, what should I do now?

"Ahmaad? Ahmaad?!" I yelled hoping maybe just maybe he is playing a prank on me but I got no response.

Putting on my Hijab over my night dress, I walk out of our house to look for Baaba maigadi (gateman) yes! We got our own house in Abuja a week ago after meeting ya Mukky.

Oh I forgot to tell you guys how it went, he refused to meet us. He said he was ashamed to meet us, his words not mine. I cried begging him to at least spare us a glance, Maami cried too but he refused. He told us to leave him and go and enjoy life, he has to pay for his own doing. As if we can enjoy life when he is locked up in jail..

"Baaba!! Baaba!!" I called hands akimbo.

"Naam Hajiya?" He called rushing, I blush in embarrassment. This man is as old as daddy but no matter how many tines I tell him to stop calling me Hajiya he won't budge

"Good morning baaba"

"Good morning Hajiya, an tashi lafiya?"

"Alhamdulilah. Did Ahmaad go out?"

"No, I don't think so" he said and my heart beat increased. Oh My God!

"Tohhhh" I paused "thank you baaba" and with that I turn on my heels and enter the house. I run to the room and carry my phone dialing Amtullah's number

"Why are you calling me so early in the morning?" She groaned

"Amtullah they kidnapped him! I am dead, they kidnapped my husband." I cried wiping my tears with my Hijab but the tears won't stop pouring.

"Subhanallah! Who? What happened?"

"Aliens!! sun tafi da Ahmaad, na mutu wallahi. (They left with Ahmaad, I am dead I swear)" she kept mum for a while before hissing loudly.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now