Seventy five🌸

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My heart is bleeding..

This chapter is just.. 😭😭💔 you asked for it shaaaa

Dedicated to MaryamYusif 💗


She stares at him for a really long time trying to figure out if he was joking but when he broke their staring competition she felt the electric shock that escalated through her veins. "What did you just say?" She whispered still not wanting to believe him.

"It's no big deal-"

She caught him off by screaming 'NO' which shocked the life out of him.

"I said NO! What did I say? No!!" She yelled moving backwards while placing her hand on her head.

"Stop yelling, you will frighten the kids, they are just down the hall" he tried walking to her but she held up her hand motioning for him to stop.

"Au'zubillahi minna shaydanin rajeem" she recited.

"Can you even hear what your saying to me for God's sake!?" She questioned. Maybe she misheard him! Yeah. It has to be that.

"Habibty I told you I was even planning on throwing it away, I forgot"

"So your telling me not to freak out even though your mother was trying to get rid of me literally." hearing her say those words makes her cringe. She could feel the tears rolling down her cheek. Even for Ummah, that's a low move.

"It happened the day we went to bid them goodbye. When I went back in again she called me and gave me the stuff, I had no choice but to collect even though I knew deep down I was never, ever going to use it on you" he explained calmly even though he was freaking out, he has never seen her this mad. Never.

"Did you really think I will use it on you?" He asked and she avoided his gaze.

"So tell me what was it suppose to do to me? Kill me, make me disappear, make me run mad or what!?" She asked instead.

He sighed. "I'm done with this conversation" he tried walking away but she was quick to stop him.

"Your mother is trying to kill me and your telling me your done with this conversation!? Who knows maybe she will try to murder our kids next.."

"HANEESA!" He yelled making her to take a step backwards as her body shivered. He has never yelled his voice this high at her until today!

"Wallahi bi'llahil azeem one more word about this or Ummah, I will be beyond mad at you. Don't let the angels curse you over this madness of yours. Don't let anger take over your emotions, this is simply not you" he said dangerously before walking to the bathroom and banging the door behind him.

She could feel the tears rushing down her cheek, hot and fast, burning her, killing her and slowly ripping her soul out of her body.

She was done with all this. She is done with everything! No matter what Ummah has ever done to her she has always looked past everything, she always forgive and forget but not this time. This time she isn't letting go because things are just getting out of hand.

The door of the bathroom banged open and Ahmaad walked out dressed in his Ash Jallabiyya, he didn't even spare her a glance instead he walked out of the room and left the house.

It wasn't until she heard a knock on the door that's when she wiped her tears and opened the door. "Aunty I've finished" Zuwaira informed her.

"Just lay the table, for one person only then you can go. thank you" she replied before returning to the room and looking for her phone. It's almost Maghrib time, maybe few minutes left, if she is lucky she can reach Ya Mukhtar's number now. she dialled the number praying he will answer, she needs to get out of here fast.

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