Forty five🌸

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Her FULANI prince is #1 in Fulani.

That's the point of the story right... Cheers to amazing high ranks🍹❤

Not edited!


Oh dear heart!

Hang in there it's gonna be alright.

She could feel the butterflies in her stomach fluttering their wings happily, she haven't experienced so much happiness in such a long time..

Is this what it feels to be happy?

To finally hear good news after such a long time?!

"Don't lie to me" she cries into the phone pacing up and down in the room.

"I swear Adda Hanee, it's true. Hear talk to Hajiya.." Zubaina cried out of happiness handing the phone to Hajiya who just finished praying for the hundredth time, Zubaina had lost count.



"Hajiya is it true!?"

"InshaAllah yes. Haidar is awake! Alhamdulilah"

Hearing it coming from Hajiya's mouth made a warm feeling evaporate through her body.


"Can I talk to him?" She asked nervously.

"I wish but he is still under care, maybe later Insha Allah"


"Take care of yourself Burdah and the little one in you, Allah is with us and you will see my dear, you be happy again and reunited with your husband soon"

"Ameen" she hoped before ending the call and the baby kicked making Haneesa laugh.

"You hear that love, Daddy is awake" she smiled rubbing her hand protectively over her stomach.

And it kicked again!

"Yes, I'm happy also"


Ummah walks down the hallways of the white walls her strong perfume lingering around, she walked with power and elegance with a triumphant smile on her face. She was happy. Over the moon in fact!

Pushing the room open, she slightly peep her head in to make sure she was in the right room and when she saw Munayarh's swollen face in view, her smile broadened and she entered the room.

"Bingel am. (My daughter)" Ummah called fondly as she walked closer to Munayarh who was smiling in joy.

"Ummah I did it and why didn't you tell me giving birth is not easy? I almost died! I am never giving birth again, one is enough" she hissed adjusting her body and using the blanket to cover herself firmly.

"So you thought giving birth is easy" Ummah laughed "and don't say that! You know Haidar loves kids a lot" she winked and Munayarh frowned.

"It's not like me giving birth again is possible, I am divorced remember"

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now