Forty seven🌸

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Let me drop this here.



Picking up the call that was ringing beside her for the umpteenth time, Haneesa place the phone on her right ear while fidgeting with her laptop which was placed on her lap, she was sending a quick email to Adda asking her how things were over there and if they heard anything from Mukhtar yet


"I am married to Mubarak."

She didn't know when her laptop fell off her balanced lap and hit the soft rug with a mere thud.

"Sorry wrong number" she called faintly trying to calm her beating heart.

"Sadiq divorced me, long story short I am married to Mubarak, legally. SubhanAllah! It feels surreal Hanee. I am so happy that I can't even believe it!"

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. Calm down, slow down, take a deep breath, there we go. Now tell me everything in details!"

"Sadiq divorced me because he figured out I was in love with someone else, it was a miracle I am telling you"

"What about Maa? And your father?" She asked while retrieving her device that was on the rug.

"He said he will handle his mom, he said it was about us and not about her and for Baba he scolded me, preached and preached and preached but when my waterworks started, the emotional blackmail he let me be. He is nothing but supportive and the wedding will be islamically conducted this Friday" she said in one breath making tears roll down Haneesa's eyes. They were tears of happiness!

"I am genuinely happy for you Amtullah, you deserve nothing but happiness best friend. May Allah bless your union"

"Ameen. It means a lot wallahi, listen you've exhausted my credit! that's why I almost never call you, it's too expensive" she whined making Haneesa crack up with laughter.

"Haba matan Mubarak. (Come on Mubarak's wife)" she teased.

"Come on get out, silly girl! Take care habibty, and kiss my little one."

"How I'm I suppose to kiss my stomach Amtullah!?"

"I don't know, just do it. Bye"

and with that she end the call leaving Haneesa to laugh to her hearts content.

After getting a grip of herself, she pressed the send button to Adda and the screen blinked some minutes later.

Adda Hayri: still no news! Will keep you updated. No matter what do not answer Ahmaad's call. Trust me! Don't!!

Reading that her heart sunk in her chest,

Why will Adda tell her not to answer her husband's call?

That she has been yearning to hear for months.

Something was definitely wrong.


She stared at the fragile fair slender baby before her.

She was beautiful and was the exact replica of her father.

Running her hand through her soft curly hair, a wide grin welcomed her face as she wore a baby pink cap on her small head.

Her nose stood prominent on her face as she opened her eyes, purred and closed it again.

Munayarh was mesmerized by her daughter's beauty.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now