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For @Mss_Kahe ❤❤ Mukky loves you wujiga, wujiga😉❤❤❤



I walk to my room and immediately fall on the bed zoning into one of my thoughts of Amtullah. I've never felt so guilty in my life like I felt the day I met her in Haneesa's room with bright pink nose and swollen eyes clearly advertising that she has been crying. She didn't reply my greetings she ignored me like I was a statue and he action is justified, she has every right to mad cause what I did to her was not fair. Yes that's how I am but my relationship with her was something else, I really, really loved her or should I say I still love her but I guess it's too late now.

My phone rings and the ID says Ayman Kabeer, I picked it up and left it in speaker as he spoke.

"You fucking broke up with her?" Was the first thing he said and I scrunch my face in confusion for a minute before I realized he was not here to see me.


"Fadilarh.. Mukky I thought we made a deal you won't break her heart then why would you do that?"

"I never broke up with Fadilarh" I defend sitting up.

"And I am in primary two writing my third term exams" he said sarcastically and I hiss.

"Oh shit. Is she bitch two?"

"That's why I told you not to be saving girls as bitch in your phone but your big strong head won't listen. Now look what you've done, I can't see her heartbroken man and i trusted you" he said sadness clear in his voice.

Lol.. Now duh who told him to trust me.

My subconscious laugh and I brush it off realizing what I did.

"I am so sorry man and if you can't see her heartbroken why can't you just date her?"

"You know I can't you idiot! It's risky" he growled

"Nothing is risky.. I feel like you guys are over exaggerating this matter, this happened years ago obviously the matter has been forgotten" 

"Mukhtar Abba Gorge!" he yelled "I wish I was there with you know I would have punched you till your unconscious!"

"Slap your self and say thank you"

"I'm doing no such thing you idiot. Mukhtar I forwarded a text to you last week and Fadilarh sent you the address your suppose to be meeting them in today"

"Which message?"

"Check your phone man, kai wallahi akuya ne.. Wawa" he rained insults on me and I ignore him checking for any text messages and I found it and I even replied with done. When? How?

"Have you seen it?" He asked after a while.

"Ayman we are dead"

"What happened?"

"Haneesa read the message and she is not home."

"Do you think..?" He asked afraid and I get my car keys and leave for my car.

"yes Ayman, yes.. My baby sister is in shit and I've got to help her" I said starting my car and ending the call.

***    ***

Ahmaad's POV

I stare at Anee's picture grinning widely, Mashaa Allah she is so beautiful.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now