Fifty five🌸

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The two women burst into tears clinging onto each other as if that was it, the end of life. The were crying so hard, hugging each other tightly while talking about how much they will miss each other.

It felt like they have known each other for their entire lives when truly they knew each other only for some months. They were too attached that letting go was hard! Even though they didn't let each other too much on their personal lives and challenges, they were there for each other when needed and that is more than enough.

Amir laughed at both of them, "Mommy you are crying. As big as you are.."

She pulled away from the hug and sent him a hard glare. "Don't test my Patience Amir! You don't know how down hearted mommy is feeling better go and call you daddy to console me, soon"

Haneesa laugh at Fareeda who pouted after talking to her child. "Oh you will never change Umm Al-Aleem" she shake her head sideways wiping away her tears.

"Maman en biyu.. Don't Umm Al-Aleem me! After you have made up your mind to leave me and go back to Nigeria.."

"Ohh Fareeda don't be a baby, you have two kids oo! You know I have to go back home, it's been a month already and Maami is over there planning a big celebration for her new grandkids, if we don't show up she will literally kill me!" She laughed as Al-Amin walk down the stairs holding their new born baby, Al-Aleem.

"Thank God you are here Al-Amin, come and carry your wife. she is throwing a tantrum saying she won't let me go, she even made me cry" Haneesa complain playfully as Al-Amin walk over to the both of them.

"I thought you left already. Oh Allah! The twins with Adda Hayrah have been in the car for over ten minutes now, it was when Amir told me to come and see two grown women crying downstairs that I rushed here"

"That boy! I will beat him later" Fareeda groan making them to laugh.

"Adda will kill me for keeping her waiting, JazakaAllah for everything. InshaAllah I will call you when we reach" she gave her one last hug.

"Wa iyyaki, please call us soon"

"I will Umm Al-Aleem, till we meet again" she smiled before walking out to the taxi as she entered to meet an annoyed adda.

"Hold baby boy, I'm holding baby girl. He is too stubborn and restless, that guy doesn't want to sleep" she whined handing Haneesa her child who awwed.

"Haba Adda! Not fair! Why will i hold the naughty one?"

"Is he not your child? Abeg hold him well, if you like drop him on the floor" she hissed holding little Haneesa close to her chest, she was sleeping peacefully wrapped in her pink flannel while little Ahmaad was wrapped in a blue flannel, he was wide awake staring at his mother and aunt not able to comprehend what ever they were saying.

"Haba Adda nannyyy, are you not their personal favorite nanny?" She teased.

"Which nanny? Your two troublesome kids kept me away from my husband and children for one good month, if we go back to Nigeria don't even come near my house"

Haneesa pout as they approach the Airport. "Kai Adda! I will even dash out little Ahmaad to you"

"Not happening, I will rather collect little Haneesa than little Ahmaad" she tease touching his cheek softly while he stare at her unaware of what was going on.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now