Chapter one🌸

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"Maami please, DanAllah Maami"

"Haneesa what is wrong with you today?"

"Maami you know I hate going to the market why are you punishing me?" I whined on the verge of tears as she ignore me proceeding on placing the pot on the gas.

"I am not punishing you, I am training you. If you get married who will be going to the market for you ehh? Your husband?" She hissed.

"Maami you can just send Sarratu with the list she will buy everything for you" I said referring to our ever long lasting house maid who was cutting vegetables on the counter laughing at us reasoning with each other.

"No! Enough is enough Haneesa, go and but those food stuffs for me and if you like sleep in the market or go to shoprite I will know" she demanded in her strict voice giving me one of her deadly glares and I knew that better than to argue.

Nigerian mothers!

I drag my legs lazily to my room knowing very well I've lost this round. Guess I really have to go to the market. I grab my kimono, phone, car keys and Tom Hilfiger shades before setting out for the market.

'Ugh. Maami is impossible wallah. If only she would let me go to shoprite I would have finished in twenty minutes'

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice the traffic light turned from green to red making me press on the breaks suddenly and causing a mini accident with a red SUV.

Inlilahi wai'na ilaihi rajiun.

Maami will surely kill me today.

I unbuckle my seatbelt getting down from the car silently praying the driver didn't get hurt. Oh Allah!

"I am so sorry. Are you hurt?"

"I am fine but it's not advisable to be driving and thinking.." a young man dressed in a lemon green attire with his zanna bukar cap sitting on his black silky hair with pointed nose, arched eyebrows, rosy like lips, and dimple popping out from his left cheek as he talks.

"Hello? Excuse me? Are you there??" He waved his hand in front of my eyes making me gulp hard. He is beautiful Ma Shaa Allah. But so wrong of me to be drooling when I should be lowering my gaze.


"Umm..I..s-sorry" I stammered and he laughed. Oh Allah.. Even his laughter is beautiful.

"Do you often zone out like that miss?" He asked cocking his face making his five o'clock shadow visible.

"No, I am having a bad day if you were interested in knowing so I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience I caused for you" I said checking the time on my wrist watch... Shikenan.. Maami will kill me!

"Oh dear God! I'm late. Sorry, bye" I rushed running back to my car while he stammer to say something probably wondering where I'm off to.

***       ***

I enter Maami's room with a plate of fried spaghetti and meat balls with a chilled cup of Chapman.

"Maaamii" I yell but stop in tracks when I come in contact with Adda Hayrah, Bahiyya and Haadiya. I immediately frown as she collect my plate of delicious food and command me to give her babies my chapman.

"Maami see Adda Hayri, I don't understand why she has to come here everyday. Ha'an doesn't she have her own home neh wai?!" I literally whine stomping my feet on the ground while the girls laugh at me.

"Mstew! Maami ta shwagabaki koo. (Pampered you right?)" She roll her eyes enjoying my lunch.

"Qaalle ta ai. Today I think she woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Maami joined giving Adda Hayrah a chance to continue scolding me.

"We will get you married maybe that way you will grow up hopefully"

"I think it will be for the best, set her up with someone as soon as possible Hayrah"

"Maami, are you tired of me already? Wallahi don't let adda Hayrah influence you, if I go then you will be left alone" I said kneeling in front of her and holding her hands in mine. The thought of me getting married always get me worked up, I can't leave my Maami. Who will disturb her when I'm gone? Who will make a fuss about not going to the market? Who will taste her food and tell her it's delicious? Who will keep her company when I'm gone? Being the last born made me so attached to my mother and honestly I can't imagine leaving her.

"Haneesa are you crying? Wow so you that sacred of the word marriage? Wayo!" Adda teased as I feel a hot substance roll down my cheek and I covered my face on Maami's lap.

"Ha'an. What is there to cry about? My baby stand up and clean your tears, your nieces will laugh at you"

"They should laugh for all I care" I sniff and the two start cracking up with laughter while I gave them my deadly glare.

"Keh stop scaring my kids" Adda scold

"They should learn to stay out from my business tohm"

"Oh Allah! da en cikin naki xakiya fada? (Are you going to fight with someone much more younger than you?)" Maami sigh

"I'll beat them up if they dare me this afternoon"

"Let me see you try that. Are you the one that carried them in your womb for nine months for me?" Adda hissed, she hates it when anyone threatens her babies and she would kill if you try any such act on them.

"Allah ya baki hakuri"

"Ameen. Wait till you give birth to your own kids you can beat them all you can" she said and I stick out my tongue for her while she shake her head sideways in disbelieve. 

"Assalam Alaikum, I though I heard your voices" Daddy said entering the room making the twins jump on him yelling 'daddyn mommy' a nickname they gave him since they were wise enough to give.

"Daddy inna wuni" I greet hugging him

"Lafiya princess" he kissed my forehead and Adda roll her eyes. Jealous pants!

"It's only your princess you know, you've forgotten your better half right?" Maami teased and he smile

"How can I forget my better half?" That's my parents for you.. So romantic and after eight years of marriage the spark was still there. "Better half, it would be good if you answer you phone calls and read your text messages that way you will confirm if I really forgot you or not"

"Hmm.. Hayrah is invisible everyone"

"Why do you always have to be at my house when I come home?" He teased making her gasp "doesn't Hamid treat you well or what?"

"Daddyyyy! Is this not my home too and you can trust Hamid now that I have two kids with him"

"I still have my doubt" he teased making us all laugh.

"Daddyn mommy I want Ice cream" Haadiya yell jumping up and down.

"I want ice cream too" Bahiyya join

"Okay my darling grandkids. Let's all go get ice cream" he said and we all get ready trying to pursue Maami to come with us. After much pleading, she finally agreed and Daddy drive us to cold stone.

***         ***

I am tired.. I am sleepy.. But I managed to update for you all😽

May Allah accept our Ibaadah in this blessed month.. ameen!

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