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Yayyyy! I have updated.. No one should die💃💃

It's long so brace yourself for the ride😪

Happy reading

Gombe, Duku town.

           He was elegantly dressed in a white babban Riga and he looked ravishing with his zanna bukar cap on point, he had eye bags under his eyes which he made no attempt to cover, he was eager to get whatever this is done so he can go back to pacifying his walking dead wife who took the news maturely and didn't go around making a scene.

That night she smiled with tears in her eyes looking eye ball to eye ball at him who opened his mouth to explain but she stop him by placing her finger on his lips and muttering ango!

"Anee let's talk"

"Sssh.. What are you wearing tomorrow? How about your white babban Riga? You look breath taking in white" she comments rummaging through the wardrobe for the perfect attire. 

"Are you okay?"

"Why won't I be okay? Finally Ummah is getting peace of mind then who on earth i'm I told be annoyed? Humph" she said masking away her tears as she lay the clothes on the bed

"I am sorry Anee-- I--"

"Ahmaad shush! Go to bed, tomorrow is a big day" She smiled painfully as she grabbed her small suit case and packed few clothes of hers.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I am taking the room close to Hajiya, she said she wants to get to know me besides your wife will be bought here tomorrow" she said wearing her Hijab and clinging onto the suitcase. "Goodnight" and with that she left him to cry himself to sleep.. Why Ummah?


"Bring the food here, I will feed her" Hajiya said appearing out of nowhere scaring both Haneesa and Inbihaj who were bickering for over twenty minutes for Haneesa to eat something, she haven't eaten a single thing.. Not even water since Ahmaad dropped the bomb on her. She spent the night crying and crying until she couldn't feel her eyes anymore, she turned to Allah when no one was there to talk to even though Hajiya was a few steps away she badly wanted to talk to her best friend who was miles away from her, damn this town and no signal!

Hajiya collects the plate of boiled potatoes and egg sauce and sit on the bed near Haneesa who zoned out into wonders of thoughts.. She felt Haneesa's pains and stayed awake all night praying for Allah to grant the girl patience and heart to take matters easily, surely He Allah doesn't burden a soul upon which it cannot bear. Although Hajiya could have a say in what's happening she didn't cause it was part of the promise she made to Bilkisu (Ummah) that if she would spare Haneesa torture then she is free to do what she wants and Ummah being the woman she is took advantage of the promise, she killed two birds with one stone by accomplishing her aim and in the process hurting Haneesa. What a wicked soul.. Yaa Allah.

"Open up" Hajiya smiles positioning the fork in front of her mouth, she reluctantly opens up and eat slowly while Inbihaj pour orange juice in a tumbler for her. She eats three more time and then refused to take more saying she is okay.

How can I eat knowing my husband is getting married today or is probably married by now? How can I be at ease when my heart is bleeding.. When my heart is damaged beyond repair?

"Achuu, sssh.. Stop crying and pray, you are strong Burdah" Hajiya said hugging her and she fall on her lap crying more.

"How can I not cry Hajiya when my mother in law is causing nothing but pain in my life"

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now