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Nabila stared at her hands in shame, she could feel his eyes boring into her but she didn't have it in her to look up at him. She has abandoned him completely and she knows that, she doesn't even answer his calls anymore and no matter how long he would stay in front of the house waiting for her to come out she didn't show up. It wasn't until Inbihaj noticed the black highlander that parked four inches from the gate every day from dawn till dusk that she decided to intrude, and when she told her everything she scolded her and sent her out of the house so now here she was in the car with him in nothing but silence.

"What happened to our love Biila?" He finally spoke, she could feel her breath knocked out from her body. She didn't reply instead she used her hand to trace the pattern of her skirt, she was so nervous.

"Did I do anything wrong?" He proceeded to ask. "If I did something wrong tell me please, I promise I will sort it out. Nabila talk to me!"

"I am sorry" she croaked out turning to face him for the first time. He looked sleep derived and tired and she cause it all.

"Darling what is going on?" He asked resisting the urge to hug her, she looked so vulnerable and cute he just wanted to leave a lingering kiss on her forehead but that his religious is against unless they are married.

"Jay it's everything! SubhanaAllah" she cried closing her face with her palm. He didn't stop her from crying instead he let her cry until she was done.

"I am sorry if I did something"

"It's not you Jay, it's me and my family. And everything" she mumbled cleaning her tear stained face with a tissue paper.

"Then you talk to me Nabila, don't avoid me it breaks me into beats by Allah" he sigh removing his cap as he rubs his hand over his head.

"I know, I am sorry Jay, forgive me"

"I have forgiven you long Darling" he smiled his side dimple popping out.

"Is this the perfect chance to meet your family?" He asked and she sigh heavily. She is still battling if her mother will like him or not and with all going on with her brother and her new niece she sighs;

"I don't know Jay"

"Why do I feel like you don't want me to meet your family at all babe, you keep postponing it" he sigh in frustration.

"It's not like that, you know what has been going on-"

"Then at least let me be there for them in this time of need. Nabila what is going on?"

"Nothing, just give me more time please"

"Nabila are you meeting someone? Are you into this relationship anymore or not? I need to know please!" He snapped annoyed.

"Why are you panicking Jay?! I told you I'm sorry already and now you're asking me all this ridiculous questions. Ya Rabb!"

"Now I am panicking? Nabila you are being hard to reason with right now. I think we should talk later InshaAllah, I will text you" he said unlocking the car and she gave him one broken look;

"InshaAllah, drive safe" and with that she get down the car and painfully walk home.


Adda Hayrah cry before Maami who gave her a disappointed look, she had just arrived her home informing her about all that happened between Haneesa and her but Maami won't even listen anymore, she was busy trying her daughter's phone. She wanted to talk to her auta.

"Maami I am sorry, I didn't know it will go this far"

"Hayrah please! What were you thinking!? How will you tell her that? You know what she is going through already and now.." She stopped to catch her breath "Just leave my sight Hayrah"

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