Seventy one🌸

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Late Eid Mubarak lovely people. 💗💗



The door bell chimed, lightly scaring Haneesa as she arranged the dining table, she quickly positioned the last cutlery on the table before grabbing a veil that was laying on the couch carelessly and draping it on herself so she looked modest enough to welcome her father in law inside her house. She unlocked the door with a wide smile on her face only for the smile slip away, "sannun ku dazuwa. (Welcome)" she moved away so the guests could enter.

As some acknowledged her presence, some walked past her and inside the house as if she was invisible, she waited by the door for her husband who needed to give her some explanations and when he walked in few seconds later holding a black box, she cringed.


"Relax babe. Please" he whispered placing a quick kiss on her cheek before anyone will see them not that he cared. She turned around and walked into the kitchen arranging a tray of drinks for her 'unexpected visitors' before reappearing in the living room.

"That's not necessary my dear, we were just leaving for our guest chalet" Abba smiled at her.

"It's nothing Abba. How was your flight?"

"Alhamdulilah" he replied before clearing his throat, "Bilkisu, Inna Naana, won't you exchange pleasantries with her?"

"We are the elders here, she is suppose to greet us first" Ummah replied with venom leaking in her voice.

"I believe it's not done that way Ummah," Ahmaad replied walking out of his room with Aslam in his hand who happened to wake up from sleep when he heard voices.

"You come into someone's house.. You greet them first. You meet someone sitting and you are walking by you greet them first, you are walking in a car and you see someone walking you greet them.. That's how it works Ummah" he handed Aslam to Nabiila who beamed at the little baby.

"We are elders for a reason. You have a mother for a reason! If you don't respect your mother how do you expect your wife to respect your mother!?" Inna Naana yelled making Aslam to clutch onto Biila, Haneesa rushed to the room to carry a wailing Aslaha. She placed her on her back effortlessly and used a wrapper to tie her while rocking back and forth until she calmed down.

"...Bilkisu don't.. Haidar say no more!" Haneesa heard the commotion from the living room. She sighed deeply. Why? Why? Why can't she have a peaceful meeting with her in laws without fighting, yelling and abusive words in the air?

"...asiri ta mishi, wallahi tallahi bi'llahi lazee asiri ta mishi" she leaned her ear on the door as the tears roll down her cheek. She never imagined this type of life but albeit here she is.

"..Auzu'billahi. Inna Naana how can you say that?.." hurt, betrayal, disappointment, shock was all she could decipher from her husband's voice. "..Abba please tell them to leave. SubhanaAllah. Ya Rabb! I can't even.."

She cleaned the tears with her palm before taking deep breaths and walking to the living room, she needs to stop him before he will say something he will regret. She needs to stop her husband before he will say something he is not suppose to say.

"Auzubillahi minashaydani'n rajeeem" Abba kept chanting while watching his sister and wife display all sorts of madness and childishness.

"You carried yourself all the way from Gombe, I expected both of you to come with peace but I was wrong. May Allah guide you both to the right paths. Please kindly leave my home" Ahmaad said calmly but his eyes were red from all sorts of emotions.

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